A place to list my thoughts on my activities and my business endeavors and so much more...
Monday, July 31, 2006
Adsense - The "Magic Bullet" For Making More Money?
The other obvious thing is content, and more content, and not just a bunch of generated content, but fresh real content. You need pages that are unique and will continue to bring in income over the long haul. Keep the upcoming seasons in mind and be thinking about things that are coming up in a few months. Then you can build pages or a site around that area and hopefully be well indexed by the time people start thinking about searching for them.
I'm alreadu starting to think about fall activities and Thaksgiving for new content I'm currently adding to my site. Write it yourself or hire someone, but fresh content will go much further than the free stuff does. I had added adsense to one page back in April from a project I did over 2 years ago, and that page has generated $35 alone in the last 3 months. I didn't make the page for adsense but it is a page that draws a decent amount of visits and thus has been generating a steady income. Now if you can just create 500 or a 1000 pages that do that, well you do the math. Now the key is to find things that pay $5 - $10 per click or more and do the same thing. Sounds simple doesn't it? But we all know it's not that simple.
It's takes time, patience and lots of research. That's the best advice you can get from me. I'm not getting rich but the income is increasing every month so far. I had set a goal to produce at least one page of new content every week, and so far I'm sticking to that goal. I just put up two new pages yesterday for something that begins in October here, and I want them indexed and SEO'd way before then.
Maybe I'm wrong, and there is a "magic bullet" somewhere but I haven't seen nor found it. The biggest trick I see is finding "higher paying keywords" and getting found once you are using them. I would love to know the secret to that as well because every time I have found a niche I think pays well, smart pricing kicks in and what was $1.50 - 2.00 per click, all of of a sudden is now down to $.15 - .20 per click, and that's one thing "I really don't understand"! It makes me crazy because I end up feeling like reaching a good daily income, is going to be impossible. But you can't give up and I don't. There is more of an answer some where and I've tried getting it out of others or books, but I get basically the same thing I just gave you in a longer version.
To your success!
Technorati Tags: Adsense Top Queries Data, Google Adsense, Joel Comm, Adsense Tools, Make Money With Adsense, Internet Marketing, Hit Tail
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Custom Injection Molding Basics
Stop by and check it out...to your success!
Technorati Tags: Custom Injection Molding, Basic Injection Molding, Injection Molding Basics, Basic Injection Molding Process, Injection Molding
Keyword research tools - misspelled keywords
For example, I was trying to type in the term "archery hunting" for this example, and what I did by mistake was type in "achery hunting" forgetting th first "r" and I still found almost 15 results for this keyphrase. Now you can bet I'm going to add that to my meta tag on my archery pages as this could be a number of extra search hits from simple misspellings. You want to make sure that in any keyword capmpaign that you research the misspellings of some of your keywords to be able to capitalize on "typos" or just bad spelling. It's just another way to increase your organic search hits by using human boo-boos to your advantage.
To your sucesss! http://www.wm8c.com
Technorati Tags: SEO Book Keyword Research Tool, Misspelled Keywords, Keyword Campaigns, Keyword Research, Organic Search
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
103bees Search Term Analytics
I recommend you check it out at http://103bees.com/ along with Hit Tail, http://www.hittail.com which is also "free", and it's a tool that is just too cool once you understand how to use it. If you are looking for ways to drive some more free traffic to your website, Hit Tail will help you do it.
To your success!
WM8C's Ham Links
Technorati Tags: Hit Tail, 103 Bees, Site Analysis, Search Analysis, Visitor Analysis, Long Tail Keywords, Long Tailing
Saturday, July 22, 2006
New Top Search Queries addition to Adsense reporting
The second tool is a little better addition. If you have a Google Adsense search box on your site and it's being used, this tool will be able to tell you what people are searching for when they "left your site". What can I do with this data you ask? Well a couple of different things actually. You could use this data as ideas for new content pages on your site for one.
When your visitor left your site by search, it meant they really didn't find on your site what they are looking for. What this means to you is that, you could analyze that data and depending on how many times a certain term was searched for, you might decide it's advantageous to you to add content for that term to your own site, thus increasing the changes you could retain a visitor and increase your chances of turning him into a customer or clicking on another adsense ad from the new content page. Either way you benefit from it.
The second thing you can get from this information, is to get an idea where your visitors are going and do a little research on your competitors to improve or add to your own site. You could take the search term they used in Google and see what returns you get. Don't forget, as people search and they don't find what they are looking for, their searches will become more phrase oriented and refined. This could lead you to another niche or keyword phrase that you hadn't thought about and again give you more ideas for content pages and sites.
It's just a small tool of many, but every bit of information helps when you are trying to develop content that people want to read and will return to look for! Use this with Hit Tailing which you can read about elsewhere in this blog and off you go! http://www.wm8c.com
To your success!
Technorati Tags: Adsense Top Queries Data, Google Adsense, Joel Comm, Adsense Tools, Make Money With Adsense, Internet Marketing, Hit Tail
Monday, July 17, 2006
Adsense is all about traffic!
So how do we go about getting that traffic. I would stay away from the traffic boosters, as you are just sharing clicks with a bunch of people like you who aren't really interested in what you have to say or sell as much as just collecting credits for visiting your site, so more people just like them can visit theirs and so on. Most of the time the return rate from these are extremely low.
Original content and good SEO practices, both on page and off page are needed. There many good free keyword tools and SEO programs available on the web today and I would suggest you make good use of them. There are also paid options but unless you have the cash investment to make, I suggest starting with the free tools first. A couple of good ones are the keyword Dowser for keywords and Web CEO for search engine optimization. Both are free and are essential tools for improving your traffic rates and bringing the type of traffic you need, which are people interested in what you have on your site. Another great free tool I just recently discovered is HitTail. Give it a try and it's free http://www.hittail.com/
To your success! http://www.wm8c.com
Technorati Tags: IAT, Instant Adsense Templates, Joel Comm, Adsense Templates, Make Money With Adsense, Internet Marketing, Hit Tail
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Fibroid Cysts Disease
In her case, nothing more needs to be done, as the surgery removed the cysts and the concern. The procedure itself was very simple. The surgeon made an incision about 3/4 of an inch long adjacent to the aereola and removed in her case, about a golf ball sized area of tissue. After the surgery, the procedure left no noticeable change in her breast (a big concern she had) except for the actual incision and some stiffness of the breast tissue in the area of the surgery which the surgeon assured her will lighten and resoften drastically in about six months.
The next step is monitoring. Because of the breast tissue removal, they need to do a new baseline mammogram to re-establish her normal point, and then just continue normal monitoring beyond that time. We just thank God that this time it was nothing serious and for her, the surgery was the right choice even though it turned out to be nothing of real concern.
You always need to watch for changes and never let your guard down with regular self breast exams. Be a survivor, and stay current with your mammograms and self breast exams! http://www.wm8c.com/breast_biopsy.htm
Technorati Tags: breast cancer, breast cancer awareness, fibroid cysts disease,breast biopsy, breast lumps
Friday, July 07, 2006
Instant Adsense Templates by Joel Comm...a follow up
Result: Failed validation, 44 errors Feel free to run this through the validation yourself http://www.wm8c.com/southbeach/index.html
Most of the errors are fairly simple to correct if you really want to but I was also dissapointed at the quality for the price. I should have stuck with what I already was doing and saved the two months Adsense earnings I spent on it. On the other hand, Google doesn't really care if it meets compliance as I read recently that more than 90% of indexed sites fail W3C validation, so other than that they will index fine anyway.
Anyway, this is one "sucker" er customer that will learn from this experience before I ever purchase another item such as this. I really trusted Joel, but I feel I've been let down this time. Were I an html idiot, this might have been worth it, but unfortunately I'm not so it wasn't. I expected some very professional looking templates and what I got were a bunch of templates that are mid-grade at best. The adsense placement is nice, but nothing I didn't already know or utilize. I really feel this time the product was not properly represented and as you stated earlier, buyer beware.
The templates look like they were produced with the program that is part of the package called YOsitebuilder and not even close to a Dreamweaver or MS Frontpage quality template. Ok enough for now...I hope Joel listens to us, because I don't think I'll be the only one saying this when all is said and done. http://www.wm8c.com
Technorati Tags: IAT, Instant Adsense Templates, Joel Comm, Adsense Templates, Make Money With Adsense, Internet Marketing
Instant Adsense Templates by Joel Comm...
Quote from Joel - "Hi,I understand your concerns.The first one, related to the PLM content, has been resolved. Michael Santiago has publicly said that all is well so there is no concern.
You aren't supposed to use the templates based on the content alone. We provided you with a beginning that you are then supposed to use to create your OWN content. The content we placed was just there to show how it works, not for people to use as-is.Use the templates and create quality content that people want to read. That is how you make money with AdSense. :-)
"End Quote"
So in other words, if you are at all "html capable" I would be wary of this package. I see nothing in there from a template point of view that is not something I could have created myself. I wanted to use the ready made sites to get "quickly into some new niches" but it sounds like he's recommending not to use the content he sold us, but to rewrite our own? What gives with that?
Being aware that "original" content is king, this is frustrating as why bother put the "ready made" sites in the package if he's going to turn around tell us not to use it? None of the premade sites are keyword optimized either, so keep in mind that you will have to do all the SEO work on these templates also. If you are after the premade sites, save your money based on Joel's own comments. If you don't want spend the time creating templates, you'll have to decide if the $197 is worth it. I am dissapointed, not in the package itself, but because I feel Joel misrepresented the content some in selling it.
As I told him, I feel like I have a big "sucker" stamped on my forehead at the moment. I'll live and learn but unfortunately this once again shows that the big guru's are making their money off of those who are trying to learn.
Well I learned this time...2000 units at $197 = $397,000 (not including those who opted for volume two at $97). Guess who the smart guy was and who the dummy was? I'm going to work making site templates to sell, as that will be much more lucrative from what I see. I'm guessing there are many more like me out there who were sold on this one (at least 2000 others anyway lol) so I should be able to sell them one way or another. I'm not dissing Joel. He obvioulsy is one smart cookie and and a great marketer, but I just learned an expensive lesson, that I will remember in the future and wanted to share my honest opinion with the rest of you. http://www.wm8c.com
Technorati Tags: IAT, Instant Adsense Templates, Joel Comm, Adsense Templates, Make Money With Adsense, Internet Marketing
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Adlogger - Great Free "Open Source" Adsense Tracker
You can find the program and installation instructions here http://www.adlogger.org/ . There is also a forum where you can find help from other users. It requires a server side php script and and a SQL database to run, but other than that, the setup is pretty straight forward. Hooray for the "open source" world, they have done it again! Great tool, great price, great quality software. The program is still being developed but seems to be working pretty well so far except for the database issue I've run into, but I'm sure Trevor will help figure that one out too. http://www.wm8c.com
Technorati Tags: Adsense Logger, Adsense Tracker, Adlogger, Open Source, Adsense, Google Adsense
Aaron Wall's new cool SEO Tool - SEO for FireFox
Technorati Tags: SEO, SEO Tools, Aaron Wall, FireFox Extension, FireFox SEO Tool
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Get Paid to Blog through PayPerPost

I found this new service called PayPerPost and I've recently joined into the ranks of bloggers that are getting paid to blog. They provide opportunities for you to review and you mission, should you choose to accept it, is to blog! Since most of us are doing this anyways, why not get paid to do it?
I have recently joined their ranks and so far the tasks seem to be pretty straight forward with people looking for honest posts on your thoughts, opinions, and general blogging abilities. The payments are made once the taks are successfully completed directly to your paypal account so what could be easier. Jump on board, what have you got to lose?
Technorati Tags: PayPerPost, Paid Blogging, Blogging For Pay, Blogging, Blogger
What Search Engine Do You Use?
After that, Yahoo was just coming into it's own and stayed in my default browser category for the next couple of years. During that time the DMOZ project was also very popular and it was everyone's aim to be listed in the "open directory project".
But then it happened. Google, the little known upstart really began to come into it's own. I started using Google very heavily about 3 years ago and have never looked back. To this date, I have not found a search engine that was and is as capable of bringing me the qualified results that Google has and it has remained my default browser search engine for over 3 years now. So I again ask the question, "what search engine do you use"? So all I can say is "getyoursearchon"!
Technorati Tags: Search Engines, Google Search, Yahoo search, Alta Vista Search, MSN Search