Many of us over the years have jokingly made the comment that if "my head weren't attached, I would forget where I put it", and it is meant to express a forgetfulness that we all can experience from time to time and can be very normal and amusing. But for many, this can be a serious condition and there is absolutely nothing funny about it. Alzheimer's is not just your grandmother or grandfather's problem, but is a very common and can become a very debilitating disease with serious ramifications for those who experience it.
The signs can be very suttle at first and may simply appear as a mild forgetfulness issue that is not even noticeable to others. It can also become so bad that you no longer recognize or remember the people closest to you. It's definitely not something to mess around with and can happen to anyone. They are finding new treatments that may lesson the seriousness or prolong the onset of the disease but a cure does not yet exist.
This is where the Alzheimer's Association and the Memory Walk comes in. They are raising funds to continue to support the research needed to find better treatments for the disease and hopefully even a cure so that people will no longer have suffer with the loss of a loved one, that hasn't even departed this world, but for all intents and purposes will not know who you are with more advanced stages of the disease.
So how can you help? Join the walk! You can help raise money by finding pledges and sponsors for the walk and by doing this you will be helping find a cure for a disease that affects many more people than you may think. You can also help by becoming a Team Captain and help with organizing your own team through work, your local church, or many other options that you might think of. Memory Walk 2007, is your chance to lead a team for change and to help those afflicted or who may become so, with Alzheimer's disease.
These walks are happening all around nationally and if you sign up early you can get your own team started and registered to join the thousands already participating. You can even receive your own website to help you promote the walk and your team! Don't wait, sign up today!
Technorati Tags: Alzheimer's, Memory Walk 2007, Alzheimer's Cure