Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Adsense - Trafic vs. Click Through rates (CTR)

I was asked a question about how traffic relates to CTR. This person is new to Adsense and thought they had nothing to do with each other. While this is true in the real sense, they do relate significantly to each other. I think what you are confusing is "traffic" vs. "click through rate or CTR". No traffic, no clicks, it's as simple as that. Any E-book out there on Adsense will give you the basics on how you can improve your click through rates dramatically. For example, let's say you get 50 visitors a day and 1% or 5 of them clicked on your ad. Now you make some changes to your site and place more ads or move them around, change colors, etc. and now you still got 50 visitors but you increased your CTR to 2% or 10 clicks (doubled). So you can make the most of your site by increasing CTR, but obviously if you can maintain that through 200 visitors, you just went from 10 clicks to 40 clicks at 2%. So you see, more traffic, more clicks and the better your CTR is, the more $'s you earn. To get traffic takes good content and lots of links. And that takes lots of work and money and effort.

The first comment was: It's not very inspiring to see those $0.10c days in the beginning. But just getting to that level should already show you that it's possible - just do more of what you're doing and eventually it will get there.

This is so very true...I in essence am a two month newbie to Adsense. I have had adsense on my site for over two years but never did anything with it. I averaged about $10 a month for over two years! Arrrrghhhh! That gets me every time I think about it now. Just by using some free e-books I found on the web the last week of March, inside of a week just by changing the layouts, adding some ads, getting rid of borders, and changing colors, I went from $10 a month to $100 a month. This is a 10x increase so not bad for a few days work. Unfortunately I have flat lined at $3.50 a day and still looking for the secret to boosting that. Time to find a niche and get it going. Unfortunately all the things I am passionate about don't have great paying ads :mad:

One suggestion I have though, is watch out for the "you gotta have this ads" and spending a lot of money on claims by people claiming they will get you large percentage improvements in your earnings. I made a 1000% improvement on my earnings although it was only from $10 to $100 a month so I just gave you that tip for free and it cost you nothing. My Adsense earnings are going to a non-profit (my church's building fund) until a $6000 pledge I made is covered so that's my first goal.

I have now just about finished Joel Comms book (The Adsense Code) and unfortunately (although some very good information in there) it didn't have the "golden egg" I hoped it would. I did find a few more ideas, but they would be more what I'd call tweaks than changes. But as I mentioned earlier, even tweaks can make a big difference. The secret to building more traffic is still eluding me.
I am open to any mentoring someone might have of the "big earners" in the Adsense world.

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