Well now that we are into September, the fall pond or water garden will start taking on a new attitude. You will find that your fish are starting to become less active, and your plants will start turning brown and dying off for the fall until next spring arrives and the whole process starts anew once again.
As I was starting to clear some of the dead or dying plant matter off the top of the pond, I noticed that there were a few dead fish in the mess. I have been remiss about checking the water pH the last month and a quick check showed that the pH was at 8 or higher. This can be deadly for fish. I quickly added some pH reducer and will have to watch it closely over the next couple of weeks to make sure that I get it back into balance. The alkaline content was a bit high too and I will need to lower that as well. I changed out about 25% of the water to speed the normalization process along too.
Don't do as I did and forget to keep track of your fall pond chores! Your fish will thank you!
Technorati Tags: Water Garden, Pond Care, Fall Pond Care, Pond Fish
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