Saturday, May 12, 2007

Niches In A Box - Silo Websites for Multiple Income Streams

Where are you going to be five years from now? Or better yet, where would you like to be? Retired maybe? With a steady, dependable income? Here's a way to do just that...Every month, create a new business that automatically rakes in 8 different streams of passive income.
In five years, you'll have 60 of these businesses.

If each one were making you just 100 dollars, you'd have a monthly income of...let's see...$6,000.
Niches in a box

Now, here's the really cool part: You can do this WITHOUT actually building the businesses yourself. Hire someone (an Internet expert) to do it for you. Cost? You absolutely won't believe it. See for yourself:
Niches in a box

These websites are really fantastic. They are built to handle AdSense like a dream with some fantastic layouts, but they are also built to easily provide you with multiple streams of income using many popular programs that most of us belong to such as Click Bank and, and also a few others.

Google, Yahoo, and MSN, absolutely loves these sites and you'll be amazed at how fast they end up getting indexed and the staying power that they have in the various search engines once they are indexed.
Niches in a box can get you well on your way to your heart's desires.

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