Monday, November 19, 2007

Covert Conversion Pro - it’s finally here!

I've been waiting for months for this software to arrive. There are others out there that do the same thing but cost hundreds more or have monthly fees. Well, the long awaited Covert Conversion Pro is finally here. It’s been months of coding, testing, and perfecting, and now it is ready to start generating more profits for you. In case you have not heard all the buzz, Covert Conversion Pro is the powerfully profitable new automated tracking software that will put more money in your pockets – FASTER.

You see, CCP is like a crystal ball for profiting online. Covert Conversion Pro is the complete traffic and conversion tracking tool... designed specifically to help you explode your online business by FULLY maximizing your ROI. With it you'll easily optimize your affiliate promotions, your sales page, your keyword targeting, your various "environments", and more. It is TRULY the holistic approach as it tracks and analyzes your entire online marketing machine... I am using this program now to beat the competiton to find out what they are profiting from.

The bottom line here is that CCP tells you where your money is at, and where you need to go to make more of it. For a limited time you can add CCP to your marketing arsenal for a reduced pre-launch price. But you need to act right now – because when I say limited time, I mean it.

No other application on the market will allow you to fully optimize your online business and profits like Covert Conversion Pro. And for a limited time you can practically steal it at this low price. Don’t delay!

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