Tuesday, April 15, 2014

3.4 Mile Fitness Run - 4/15/14 by wm8c at Garmin Connect - Details

3.4 Mile Fitness Run - 4/15/14 by wm8c at Garmin Connect - Details

Felt like I was running from the tax man today.  Ice cold and wind blowing in my face. Was like climbing one long big hill! Where'd spring go? :(

Saturday, April 12, 2014

6.2 Mile Training Run - 4/12/14 by wm8c at Garmin Connect - Details

6.2 Mile Training Run - 4/12/14 by wm8c at Garmin Connect - Details

Not happy with the time by any stretch of my imagination but a victory run none the less for today in light of the past few weeks of not being able even finish 5K.  I am fighting a major head/chest cold and even blew a blood vessel in my eye yesterday. But...this was my first real chance to run without any statins in my system and the pain in my calves was very minimal. I was also the second day on the new BP meds and they seem to not be causing any problems as of yet but I'm not sure the dose is high enough to do the job yet either as I am on the lowest dose available to start with.  We'll see how the week progresses.

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

3.4 Mile Fitness Run - 4/8/14 by wm8c at Garmin Connect - Details

3.4 Mile Fitness Run - 4/8/14 by wm8c at Garmin Connect - Details

Today was my first day running after not taking any BP or cholesterol meds since Saturday.  Fighting the head cold Astrid gave me so all things considered I'll take it.  Was finally able to get my heart rate back up around 160 without feeling like I was gonna die and was able to catch a much fuller breath than over the past couple of weeks. Can't say I was pain free in my calves but not as bad as they had been for sure.  Time for some serious conversation with the Dr. about my options I guess.