Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Safe Gun Storage

Do you have children? Do you also have guns? These are two things that just don't mix. Every year you hear stories of accidental deaths from children playing with "unloaded" guns that weren't locked up properly. Responsible gun safety starts with you! You could save a life and it could even be one of your own children.

Trigger locks are a great step and even better are gun safes...they are practical and less expensive than you might think. Gun safety has to be a priority in your home if you own guns, be they pistols, shotguns, or rifles. A gun safe is unbeatable when if comes to providing for safe storage of all your firearms.

I am a hunter and have been for years and the first thing I was taught and I have also since taught my children is proper firearm saftey and that includes proper saftey devices. Don't wait till it happens to you and it's too late to do something to protect your family and friends.

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