To blog or not to blog, to be paid to blog or not to be paid, that is the question. There is a new controversy about blog advertising and whether or not it should be allowed. My thoughts are this. I have been blogging for a couple of years and have had my own website for about 4, and been around the internet for 8 years. During this time, I have seen many different things come and go for linking generation and advertisement, but all them prior to this has been free from me. If I was asked to exchange links, or provide space for a link, and it also benefited me, most of the time I did it, for free.
Now along comes PayPerPost. They ask me to review advertisers, advertiser products, and the advertisers pay me for doing that. I can choose what to review and what not to. This is just another way for advertisers to generate linking and advertisement for their sites and the value of those links to them can be great. So if I was willing to do this for free in the past, why would it be an issue now that I'm getting paid to do what I do anyway, and that is write about things that interest me including online opportunities, and if blog advertising is a way for me to generate some disposable income along the way, so be it.
Doesn't seem like spam to me, but just some good free enterprise. I have a metal detector that I received from an advertiser for reviewing their product and it's cool. I'll write about it any day.
Technorati Tags: PayPerPost, Blog Advertising, Paid Blogging
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