Sunday, October 29, 2006

PayPerPost - a short story...

Once upon a time there was a guy who was new to blogging. He had a blog in order for him to be able to tell everyone about the things he enjoyed doing, things in the internet marketing arena that he was working on, and many other topics he felt his readers might find interesting or useful in their daily life and quests on the internet.

He had started to monetize the blog with Adsense and was doing well with that program but thought to himself there must be another way to increase his income with another method. While perusing one of the Adsense forums he belonged to, someone mentioned a program called

This was a unique program in as that you could look at the opportunities they had available, choose what you wanted to write about and get paid for doing it. There are a lot of things that can be said about
PayPerPost, but in my eyes, they have all been mostly positive. I have never been sorry I joined and I happily provide links and posts for their customers. We all win!

I have earned about $330 so far and I have over $200 pending, all for writing in my blog which I would do anyway. I am glad for
PayPerPost, as they provide me with some extra spending money that I can use to further promote my internet ventures. The blogger thought this was so cool! He joined the program and has lived happily ever after!

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