Monday, November 27, 2006

Debt Management & Credit Card Debt - We've all Been there

Always wanted that new something? Got to have the latest electronic do-dad, or keep up with the neighbors item?

I know how you feel and before I knew it we were so deep debt that we saw no way out. Credit card bills were in the five digit areas, second mortgage on the house, etc. A few years ago we looked into a way out and though I can't say we're now debt free as I write this, we are however making our way out of the misery with good debt management principles.

There are numerous ways to get out of debt. There is always bankruptcy, but that should be an absolute last option as once you have done that you will for the next 7 - 10 years live with that mark on you credit scores and pay ridiculously high interest rates from then on, which will just re-add to your debt loads in the future. What I would suggest are few of the following ideas. They are simple but they work and they will cost you nothing more...To read the rest of this article please go to

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You have a nice blog. I just came across this website They seems to be specialized in personal finance, debt management etc. Just thought of mentioning them here as it may help someone in need.