Is one of your children a budding scientist? I can remember when I was young and very curious, I was always interested in all things scientific. I can still remember a number of Christmas's that I asked for many different types of "experimental of scientific" type gifts, such as the latest in electronic experimentation kits, everybody's favorite "chemical set" and of course the microscopes, so that we could see all things small!
I had a microscope and compared to today's available instruments, it was not the best of quality and didn't always perform as stated on the box. It was good enough how ever to explore the many different things that you could see only at very high manification. The microscope I had included a number of premade slides that you could explore until your hearts content. I remember still, the feeling of looking at a leaf at a "cellular level". How cool was that! is a brand new site from one of the best known optical dealers You can give the best science gift, a microscope, & let your kids explore the world of micro universe at huge discounts up to 70% off & Free UPS on orders over $29.95 from OpticsPlanet Microscopes.
They have brand name microscopes for kids for the holidays, but we also carry scientific stereo, compound, digital, photo, video camera microscopes. From doctor's office to medical lab, from high school to medical school, from enthusiastic hobbyist to university scientist we have a microscope for U! is still in the works, but open for business! At OpticsPlanet - Kids, student microscopes, industrial microscopes, microscope accessories, huge selection of all sorts of loupes magnifiers, other stuff on SALE. Stop by and take a look at the huge selection and price ranges they have available.
If you have a budding scientist in the family, or maybe your college student is already on their way, why not get them off to a great start!
Technorati Tags: Optics Planet, Microscopes, Gift Ideas
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