Thursday, December 14, 2006

Buying a new car - now or wait?

With the automotive industry suffering from lower sales, you have no doubt at some point noticed that there is an abundance of deals out on the market to try and get you into their show rooms? So what does that really mean for you?

What it means is that now could be the time for you to buy that new or newer used car you've been thinking about for some time. Like with any major purchase, assuming you are going to take a loan out to purchase your vehicle, you need to be sure that the timing is right for you and that the budget can handle the additional payment your will be making. Once you have decided what size of payment you think you can afford, it's time to start looking for that new or newer car.

Take your time. In today's economy, there are plenty of cars on the lots to choose from and then is no reason for you to hurry even though the salesman might want to make you think so. Don't be fooled. I work in the automotive industry and I can tell you that without a doubt there are plenty of new vehicles to choose from.

Make your best deal by visiting numerous dealers and using the pricing you received at your first stop to broker an even better deal at the next. Make sure you look into any special financing options they have. If you can buy a car for 0% or 3% interest, it does you no good to save $500 at another dealer but pay 6% interest! Once you are sure you've brokered your best deal, buy and enjoy. It's a buyers market, so take advantage of it if you can.

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