Friday, December 29, 2006

The Postie Patrol strikes again

As a postie most of us hope that this will happen to us but this time it happened to Robin in Chicago as she was visited by the Postie Patrol and HP for the latest scavenger hunt. As compared to the first one, this is a much more grueling event for Robin as she scampers about Chicago looking for the items that they gave her to find.

The video is really fun to watch and you can follow Robin on here task to win some really cool stuff from HP and part of the prize was some great items to help with getting into digital photography including digital photo printing. She employs some really creative tactics on a couple of the things she needed as well enlisting a couple of unsuspected bystanders to help her out. One guy was more than helpful and had a great sense of humor as he even sang to help her out. Enjoy the video and I hope the next stop is here in Michigan. This post is brought to you by HP.

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