If you are in the Internet marketing business or using the Internet to market your business, the you might want to take one look at the enterprise-level features available in the AIMpromote lead management system and you will know why they are one of the fastest growing lead management and website analytics software provider on the market.
The objective of everyone's business is growth and AIM's customer service department is there to help you gain that growth as they share a common goal with you. The software and pricing structure has been designed to provide you information that is second to none and help you on your way to exponential growth by better understanding your market. The total cost of ownership which can be described as TCO can be defined as the sum of all costs generated as a direct result of ownership of the software of AIMpromote into an existing business process is far lower than competing products. And again, they are there to help you along the entire way.
So if your current lead management system is not up to par or too expensive, why not give AIM a try. There is a trial system available so you can even kick the tires before you buy.
Technorati Tags: Lead Management, Busuiness Growth Software, AIM
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