Almost everyone these days has a credit card as it has become in many ways a more secure way to shop in general, and the only fast way to shop online. Getting a credit card is not all that difficult but finding the right card sometimes can be. At Mint Credit Cards, you can apply for a card that has great rates and 0% balance transfers with a small transfer fee until August of 2008 if you transfer this month. That's three ways to save with 0% with the Mint Credit Card.
If you want to be different you can also apply for the MC2 card which is the first card to literally change the shape of you credit. This card has the lower right corner removed which makes it different from the others. Another option is to apply for a gift card from the Mint, which is basically a "prepaid credit card" that can be given as a gift or maybe this is the perfect choice for the son or daughter away at college. By using this card you control the amount that can be spent by them which helps keep unnecessary debt from piling up , while giving them the freedom and choice of a credit card. The gift card can used for birthday and anniversary gifts, or most anything you can think of. Stop by today at the Mint and get your own unique card and start saving today with 0% balance transfer rates.
Technorati Tags: 0% Balance Transfer Credit Card, 0% Interest Credit Card, Save Money
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