Monday, April 09, 2007

New cell phone deals at

Spring has sprung in most areas of the country and that means that it is time for everything to be made new. Well the same can be true with your wireless phone and wireless phone plans, because spring has sprung at WireFly and they all their best plans and phones are in bloom! Did you know that last year the most popular phone was the RAZR and WireFly has free RAZR's available with select Verizon cell phones and plans at the years best prices.

Whether is be the RAZR, KRZR, or maybe even the V325i that is: Bluetooth Wireless Technology ready, has VGA-quality digital camera which lets you take and share photos, and a large color display inside and convenient display on the outside, your are sure to find a plan that suits your budget and a phone that suits your personality.

Maybe the LG Cherry is the right phone for you with a stylish slider design with soft-touch external controls and it's the first phone to play either downloaded VCAST Music or PC-transferred music files, and wirelessly stream music to a stereo bluetooth headset. So check out WireFly and the latest
Verizon cell phones right away.

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