Monday, April 02, 2007

Spring Break is here - where to go?

Nearly 100,000 American teenagers and young adults travel to Cancun for the Cancun spring break every year. The tradition of celebrating spring break has been enjoyed by adventurous college students and teenagers for generations. One of the most famous rituals in college is the spring break.

A popular "right of spring break" is tatoos and piercings. Belly rings and belly chains are available in many designs, but perhaps one of the most best-selling designs for college students on spring break is one that features Greek society symbols. A survey shows that the most popular spring break travel destinations are South Padre Island, Lake Havasu, Panama City, with the Mexican city of Cancun as the international location of choice for many students. Make sure to call your travel company well ahead of time to book the trip you are considering.

If spring is just around the corner, then so is Spring Break. Some of the best spring break options are the cruises. Spring break holidaying at Cancun flourished in the 1980s after the decline of Florida as a spring break destination for students. Some college students take spring break in stride. The spring break activities usually begin the second week of March and last about two weeks. The availability of nightclubs, non-stop parties, and discos make Cancun a much sought-after spring break location.

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