Thursday, January 25, 2007

Are you draining your wallet trying to make it online?

Does your blood pressure increase when you open your email box to find 30 emails hyping the latest Guru's must have package. If you are like me then the answer is yes. Are you tired of being sold a boat load of horse manure. Are you sick of hearing about Guru X's expensive package? Being told it is a must have if you are a serious online business owner. Guess what peple, for the most part it is a bunch of hype.

I am sure you already know that. I suspect you are a smart person. After all you are looking to escape your JOB or Just over Broke! Now don't get me wrong I have several of the packages. Some of them are great and I can recommend them. However the rest are not worth your time or energy. I also know for some of you that they are currently out of your budget. You are looking for a solution to earn some extra money. Many of you could use just a few hundred extra per month.

How about free products to help you build your online business? Products to train you in the art of making online. What areas will the products cover?
Affiliate Marketing
Google Adwords
Info Product Creation
Internet Marketing
JV Deals
List Building
Niche Marketing
Public Domain
Reprint Rights
Self Improvement
Website Conversion

What is the
Free Internet Marketing Club? It is a private membership site full of products you want and need. These are recently released products that you would normally pay for. They will range in value from $20 to $100. You will get ebooks, videos, teleseminars and software. Many which will include resell rights. You will find a recommended products section. These are resources that have been found to be the best of the best. For any given subject there are at least a half dozen products to choose from. Not everyone can afford to get them all. Let alone read them or use them all. This is really "free" so sign up today.

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