Use a bribe to supercharge your lead-generating efforts...Bribe your prospects into raising their hands and letting you know that they’re interested in your product or service. Of course, sometimes, the prospect might not even know that they are (or should be) interested. In this case, the bribe will frequently buy you a few moments of their time. And if your offer and your product is good, you can make the sale... all because you got their attention with the bribe.
You’ve probably seen many examples of this, and may have even purchased something because of a unique bribe.
Just about now, you may be thinking... "My customers are smarter than that. This "bribe" stuff might work for an insurance company or a magazine subscription, but my customers will never fall for it." Whoa... wait a minute. The Wall Street Journal sells to about as bright and educated an audience as there is, and they use this technique with incredible success. Their "bribe" is a free booklet called The Wall Street Journal Guide To Money And Markets. You see, one of the very best types of "bribes" to use is... INFORMATION!
Create your own eBook. The value is in the information, not the paper, so you can have incredibly high perceived value with almost no cost. Think about it. You’re an expert in your own field. You’ve paid the price to learn what you are good at -- now it’s time to capitalize on it. This is information you’ve spent years to learn and develop (that you probably take for granted as most of us do), is worth a considerable amount to your customers. Suppose you offered to teach them your inside secrets; secrets that they couldn’t learn any other way, or at least not very easily. The value they would place on this specialized info goes through the roof. Take advantage of it.
Technorati Tags: Internet Marketing, Marketing Advice, eBook Writing
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