If you own a large flat screen TV, then you are already aware of the investment you need to make in it and it's nothing that you will want to have to replace prematurely if it can be avoided. Pixel burn can be caused from many things and it is often caused by logos that are on the screen the same place too long. Once this occurs you can see a ghosting pattern of the image or logo in the area of the screen where is most often is.
Another problem is dead cells or pixels, which is where the individual cells will not energize properly and appear as a black spot on a plasma screen and might only be noticeable on an LCD with certain colors. The manufactures consider 3 pixels as acceptable but when you are watching high end TV's, especially with DVD's or high definifition television, even one pixel is not acceptable.
So if you've have this problem what can you do? Enter PixelProtector - Screen Burn Removal and Dead Pixel Fixer . For the price of DVD you can purchase some great maintenance for your pride and joy and remove or at least reduce the ghosting damage caused by pixel burn and in some cases you can even revive dead cells. One of the biggest problems with inadequate picture quality is improper alignment of the picture and PixelProtector can help you solve those problems as well.
The best maintenance you can do for anything is prevent the problem in the first place and PixelProtector is the tool you need to do that. It's much easier to prevent the ghosting than to remove it later and with this DVD you can do exactly that. So if you have a problem that needs fixing or just want to prevent having to do so later, this might be the solution for you.
Technorati Tags: Pixel Burn, TV Screen Restorer, Dead Pixels
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