Friday, January 12, 2007

Be "heart healthy", you body will thank you!

When it comes to maintaining a healthy heart it's important to have a plan - a heart healthy diet plan that is. The condition of your heart is definitely linked to a heart healthy diet. In 1924, famous cardiologist Paul Dudley White claimed that "Exercise can't hurt a healthy heart.
Following is a list of wonderful ingredients to have on hand when you're coming up with a good heart healthy diet plan.

A heart healthy diet begins with the types of food on your plate and the ability you have to maintain an ideal body weight. If you are interested in more specific guidelines for a heart healthy vegetarian diet, the ebook Vegetarian Cooking is a good resource. It is also important to point out the fact that the consumption of omega 3 fatty acids should accompany a diet that already has a healthy foundation. It would be safe to say the benefits of a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids can have a profound effect on human health and wellness. Several large studies have examined the relationship between the risk of heart disease and intake of omega-3 fatty acids from plant sources. Folic acid helps the elderly reduce the risk of stroke, thrombosis and heart disease, if they increased the recommended levels of folic acid by three times.

A recent study indicates that one of the strongest risk factors for developing heart disease is inactivity – even more so than being overweight. You should try to get at least 20 minutes of aerobic type activity a minimum of 4 days a week, which dilates the coronary arteries which increases oxygen and blood flow. Get outside and walk or jump on the treadmill, you heart "muscle" will love the exercise!

1 comment:

.... said...

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