Saturday, January 06, 2007

Mail drop or remailing services

In modern times and now with the President changing the laws, the need for confidentiality is becoming extremely apparent. In spite of rights of privacy, we find ourselves becoming more and more vulnerable to government snooping. New technology in the hands of the bureaucrats provides sophisticated methods of penetrating our affairs. Our mail is a good example.

Postal authorities use a little known surveillance technique known as the "mail cover", which operates informally and allows them to investigate your mail without having to first obtain a court order, a requirement in most countries. 'The mail cover' is simply an instruction to the mail carrier requesting that they note the return addresses on mail delivered to any address under investigation. This is far worse than a court order to open mail, as it's totally indiscriminate. It means that whoever sends a letter or package to the marked address can end up on the suspect list.

Who needs a mail drop box or
remailing services? All categories of people who frequently travel or spend long periods away from their home are potential mail drop users. Truck drivers, retired individuals, and merchant seamen, commercial representatives and inveterate travellers are good examples. It is quite inconvenient to use your home address while away unless you have a trusted person available to forward your mail. Home-based businesses, out of state college applicants and out of state job applicants are also users of mail box drops. As you can see mail drops offer a lot for people on the move, particularly those who want to retain as much privacy as possible.

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