If you live in the state of Michigan and you are (or wish to be) a morel mushroom hunter then now is the time that you look forward to every year. We all anxiously await the first sprouting of our favorite morel mushrooms. They are hands down one of the best delicacies that you can find in the woods in the spring,and they are highly sought by everyone that desires these wonderful morsels. One word of warning for the faint of heart and the out of shape club, and that is that hunting mushrooms will be one of the most enjoyable but physically hardest things that you may have done in a long time.
Morel mushrooms are found in places that are out of the way and often very difficult to get to. Of course, you can always find mushrooms closer to the road, but with the amount of people that are mushroom hunting these days, chances are you won't find very many. This means you need to take some very deep treks into the woods one absolutely necessary tool that I would recommend for these walks is a good walking stick. Also, make sure that you carry a mesh bag similar to the types of bags that onions come in so that as you pick mushrooms the spores can fall on the ground re-seed for the next year.
Morel mushrooms are very easy to identify, and are absolutely delicious to eat.
If you are a first-time mushroom hunter and have never eat wild Morel mushrooms, I would suggest that you start with a small quantity to make sure that you will not react badly to them. Even though Morel mushrooms are completely safe to eat, some people have difficulty when they eat them and until you know how you will personally react this is the safest way to find out.
So don't wait because now through the end of May will be the prime time for Morel mushrooms here in lower Michigan and if you wait too long, you will miss out on this wonderful free delicacy that mother nature provides. Go mushroom hunting today!
Technorati Tags: Morel Mushrooms, Mushroom Hunting, Wild Mushrooms