Sunday, December 31, 2006

Thinking about a change? Consider Boise Idaho

If you are looking for a change of scenery, or maybe you are looking for a place to go that removed from the countries largest cities, then maybe Idaho real estate is place to start. Boise is a complete city, with a long list of things to do and sites to see. They have an abundance of cultural sites and performances, nature centers and city parks, extensive facilities for golf and tennis, professional sports, mainstream and boutique shopping, plus an active nightlife all combine to create a sense of complexity and adventure.

The land that would become Boise, Idaho, is thought to have been discovered by a group of French Canadian fur trappers. As the story goes, the 19th century travelers looked over Bonneville Point and were immediately impressed with the land's expanse of trees. Today, the city is still commonly referred to as "The City of Trees."

The Basque Museum and Cultural Center in downtown Boise preserves the Basque heritage and gives visitors the opportunity to learn more about this colorful culture through collections of manuscripts, artifacts, documents and photos. The museum also manages educational programs and organizes Basque activities and celebrations that are open to the public.

Boise was incorporated as a city within the Idaho Territory in 1864. At that time, the existing capital of the territory was Lewiston, but many believed Boise was a more desirable choice for the capital. A resolution was drafted to switch the capital to Boise in December of the same year.

An example of Boise's cultural sensitivity is the Idaho Anne Frank Human Rights Memorial located in the North End neighborhood of the city. The memorial is an educational park honoring the struggles of Anne Frank under the weight of religious and cultural persecution. The site was built with citizen donations and through fundraising efforts of Idaho school children. You can learn all this and more at the
Boise Homes Guide.

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Electronic recycling, the responsible way.

In the recent year we saw a more innovation in the recycling field and more ways to recycle some of what we throw away. Whether you are an old pro at recycling, or you are just trying to learn about ways that you can implement it in your own life, there is an abundance of information available out there for people like you, who care enough about the environment to do things that will make a difference for the better.

Most people will do their part when recycling programs are available, but unless they know that the programs exist how can they participate. Over 500 million cell phones may be sitting forgotten in sock drawers and under beds, leaking harmful chemicals and wasting away because people are not using the many cell phone recycling and donation programs available.

In fact, the top cell phone recycling companies as a whole claim that they have recycled only about $20 million dollars worth of retired cell phones in the first ten months of 2006. According to data collected from cell phone recycling web sites, the average value of a cell phone retired in the last 18 months is well over $10. To finish reading this article
go here.

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Saturday, December 30, 2006

Join a new Fantasy League but save your hard earned cash

If you have always wanted to partake in the the fun of a fantasy football or other fantasy sport league, but you wanted to do it without the concerns and worries of betting you own hard earned dollars then this might be for you. You don't need to risk losing your your own hard earned cash while betting on sports and it is possible to enjoy this entertainment for free. If you want to join a large social network of other fantasy leagues, then this will be the place to do it, all the while limiting your own risk of betting on the fantasy leagues.

Joining is simple and all you have to do is register, join a league, and you will immediately get 50,000 units to start with. You can start betting on games right away and begin your travels to increasing the the size of your winnings. When the league season is over, the person with the most units wins the league. The whole idea behind this new social network isn't about betting your money but it's about being right. You can enjoy all the fun of the competition without worrying about breaking the bank.
Join Today at

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What are your New Years resolutions?

This is the time of year that many people make their well intentioned resolutions for the new year. If you are one of those people, I have thought for you to ponder. Typical new years resolutions usually end up being something like this, I resolve to:
Lose weight
Quit Smoking
Quit drinking to excess
Get along better with my in-laws
Make more money
and so on and so forth...

These are all great ideas but they are missing a critical ingredient to be successful. A written goal. I have in the past lost weight but after 10 lbs., I felt like I accomplished what I needed (I needed to loose 50 lbs.). Had I set the goal at 50, wrote it down, and placed it some where I could see it everyday, I might not still be trying to loose the other 40. I did quit smoking after trying for 10 years but the day I quit for good, I noted my quit date and have kept track of it ever since. I can tell you the day I quit, and approximately how much money I haven't spent since that time (easily two big screen plasmas as of this month!).

When you set goals, you need to do two things before you start. Choose a "realistic goal"! If it's unobtainable you will fail. Second, be specific as vague goals lead to vague results. Third, write it down and place it where you will see it. The reason for that is that most things we need to change are "habits". Statistically, habits take nine months to break or change. This means setting and reaching your goals will require an investment of at least nine months of your time.

My goal(s) for 2007 are still only partially set but it's started. The one I plan to work on the most for the coming year is attainable, specific, written down, and taped at the bottom of my computer screen to remind me daily of what it is and that I need to work on it.

You can meet your goals, be they physical, spiritual, mental, financial, or all of the above if you follow those few simple guidelines. Get started before your life has passed you by and you are wishing you had started sooner and sooner becomes "too late!"

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Friday, December 29, 2006

Save money with 0% interest credit cards transfers

Once again, we find ourselves in that time of year when we may have over shot the budget with the use of our credit cards. Christmas may be over but for many consumers it still has to be paid for. Credit cards now make up a huge share of the amount consumers spend over

Christmas and New Year period in the UK. This is why January is the month of the year when most applications are made for new credit cards in the UK. The best step to solving this issue is not to do it at all but if you find yourself already in the position of having sone so, then you might want to consider making a change. The change I'm referring to is the high interest trap that many card users find themselves in if they are not careful.

One option to save a ton of money and start paying down your balances are to use low or
0% balance transfers to move your high interest cards over too. This can be a wise move as long as your credit is in good standing and you can qualify for them, especially if you have cards above the 10% interest rates. The saving as are huge over a years time!

So if this is you, the first step to take is to
compare credit cards and find you best deal online, and then procure one and transfer your high interest cards over to one of these. As long as you pay your bills on time, this will be a smart move on your part, saving money, and hopefully get rid of the debt before next Christmas arrives.

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Do you "PSP" with Paint Shop Pro?

Over the years, JASC and now Corel, have developed a really great piece of software called Paint Shop Pro. If you've spent any amount of time around the learning groups for this program you will hear it referred to as PSP, or PSP'ing. The current version for this program from Corel is version 11 but many people have been using ing it for many years. My first exposure to the program was version 6 and all of the versions since have help some really neat enhancements.

The main competition for this software is Adobe's Photoshop. Having tried both programs, and while I think in the end that Photo Shop has some more advanced features for the professional photographer, don't under estimate the power of Paint Shop Pro. It is is capable of doing most anything you would ever want to do with your "post picture taking" time as any program out there and comes at a cost about a fifth of the price of Photo Shop. Both programs are excellent though and will serve all your digital photography and other digital picture needs.

Personally I found that the learning curve was easier with PSP than it was with PS but again, that could just be me and the way I comprehend how to use the programs. There are oodles of groups out there for learning how to use the programs and I have even written some basic tutorials on using PSP as well which can be found
HERE . There are tons of plugins and filters available for both programs which further enhance their usefulness. If you have a digital camera, you need one of these programs to make the best use of them.

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The Postie Patrol strikes again

As a postie most of us hope that this will happen to us but this time it happened to Robin in Chicago as she was visited by the Postie Patrol and HP for the latest scavenger hunt. As compared to the first one, this is a much more grueling event for Robin as she scampers about Chicago looking for the items that they gave her to find.

The video is really fun to watch and you can follow Robin on here task to win some really cool stuff from HP and part of the prize was some great items to help with getting into digital photography including digital photo printing. She employs some really creative tactics on a couple of the things she needed as well enlisting a couple of unsuspected bystanders to help her out. One guy was more than helpful and had a great sense of humor as he even sang to help her out. Enjoy the video and I hope the next stop is here in Michigan. This post is brought to you by HP.

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Some digital photography basics

With digital landscape photography, one of the most satisfying aspects is that you can evaluate your pictures right there in the field. One of the things people ask me most about digital photography is how to take “perfect pictures. There are many digital photography tools to help ensure your pictures are light and color balanced, and is well worth the effort of learning how to interpret and use it. If you are serious about digital photography, you reallyy need to invest in either Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro for all your photo "enhancement" needs.

As digital cameras generally only take pictures in color, the most basic element of the digital darkroom you will need to master, is how and when to turn your digital color images into the other types of digital imagery image you want. After all is said and done, you will do well to keep in mind that there are more similarities than differences between the basic elements of black and white and color digital photography, and those of the film world.

If you can't get good enough results with your own digital photography printing, especially if you're printing larger than 8x10, you may want to try one of the brick-and-mortar, or even online photo labs which make use of dedicated photo printers with excellent results. However, when it comes to getting the actual digital photography printing being done, there are some things to keep in mind to prevent wasting too much of your quality photo paper - not to mention your costly printing ink. You need to have at least a 5 mega pixel camera to get really good quality 8 x 10 prints also. Even more than the money and the convenience is the quality of photography.

With the modern use of digital cameras now taking into effect to make perfect digital shots, photographers no longer have to go through the process of scanning of the negatives from the pictures taken and this is the one of the main reasons more photographers have switched over to the digital age technology. Whether your aim is professional digital portrait photography, or practicing it as a hobby, one of the best ways to go about it is to heed the written advice of experienced professional portrait photographers. Digital camera prices have fallen so much in the last couple years pretty much anyone can now get into digital photography.

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Thursday, December 28, 2006

PayPerPost to acquire Performancing

PayPerPost, who is the leading marketplace for advertisers to reach many areas of advertising audiences and is well known as the company to go to when you want to get "paid to blog", announced that it has signed a "Letter of Intent" to acquire select assets of Performancing LLC, operator of, a popular Internet community site for professional bloggers.

Through this purchase PayPerPost gains a number of powerful blogger support tools including Performancing Metrics, the leading, free blog analytics service, and Performancing Exchange, an online "classifieds" for bloggers.

As a member of both the Performancing and PayPerPost communities, although very new to Perfomancing, I hope that this acquisition and marriage of the two companies will strengthen an already burgeoning community for bloggers that are interested in earning income with their blogs, and further the growth of both communities.

I think the acquisition will be a wonderful addition to both programs and hopefully with help improve the advertiser base for Performancing as well as for PayPerPost. I really feel that the
"paid to blog" community is ever increasing in size and popularity and will continue to do so as long as it is profitable for all involved. By bringing these two communities together, it can do nothing but improve the viability of both programs.

Performancing is currently written and maintained by individuals who make their living in the blogging trade, has amassed a community of over 28,000 professionals since its launch in 2005. In addition to information and discussion on the subject of professional blogging, the site provides a means for advertisers to connect with bloggers and place ads on their weblogs based on the site's subject matter, readership and ad pricing. Performancing has created several very innovative services that help bloggers become more successful in their work," as quoted by Ted Murphy, chief executive officer of PayPerPost. The acquisition is scheduled to be completed by the end January.

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Making "sense" of "Adsense"

If you've been wanting to earn some money online and don't know where to start, Adsense by Google is probably one of the easiest and implementable ways to get started. I missed the "golden days" of Adsense when the huge fortunes were being made easily because I procrastinated, but that doesn't need to be you. Start now!

It's fairly simple to get started. All need is a blog or website, and then go to Google and then adsense sign up page. Once you have your account established, all you need to do is start copying and inserting your code into your site and start writing good quality content and Googles contextual system will do the rest to match you ads to your content.

Now I make this sound really simple and in general it is, but you will still want to have some tools to help you along the way. In the beginning I set very low goals for myself and that's what I got, was very low earnings. Eventually, you will learn enough if you try to help you improve your earnings and then you can go as far as you choose.

If you are not great with developing your own websites, then you can try some of the other programs available out there to jump start your journey. If this is you,
learn how to build a website and get it indexed in 48 hours. This program is great and I have employed many of the techniques I learned from it along the way. Another option to create free ready made adsense sites is HyperVRE.

Lastly, once you have your site(s) up and running, you will need a good click tracking program and you can
get a great adsense tracker for $9.99. This is important to your new venture because you need to understand the habits of your visitors in order to keep improving your click through rates which in turn, improves your earnings. Don't wait like I did and miss the boat. Get on board.

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Are you going to need help after Christmas?

With Christmas now a distant memory, many people in the UK and the world find themselves in a place where many of us have since learned not to debt because you over spent at Christmas time, or totally blew the budget you had planned or set aside for the season. January is often the busiest season for finding loans to deal with this problem.

If this was you, then you might need to look into some different options for
loans to help you back out of the place you went to. At, you will find some optios that can help with the situation you now find yourself in.

One of the many options available to you are the
personal loans that come in both secured and non-secured versions depending on your needs or situation. The goal is to find something with a lower interest rate than those credit cards you used to shop with during those binge trips that njow have left you in a lurch. Another option for people with existing mortgages, are home equity or debt consolidation loans. You can use the equity in your home to help correct the new budget imbalance you find yourself in.

As with all loans, please look at all your options before doing anything and make sure the choice you make is the right one for you.

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Protect your hearing - you won't regret it later

You may have a relative or friend who has a hearing loss. There are many potential causes of hearing loss. Currently, 16 million baby boomers have hearing loss and the number is expected to surge to 78 million by 2030. Twenty eight million people suffer from hearing loss. In the age group of 65-74-- 23% have hearing loss. It has been observed that out of 1000 babies born, three may have hearing impairment. As much as people hate admitting that they need help hearing and as much as people hate wearing hearing aids; why do they hate wearing ear plugs so much when wearing them on a consistent basis when they were needed could have prevented the problem to begin with?

Removing the anxiety associated with losing your hearing are so that you can concentrate on building up your self confidence so that you can ask people to repeat any unheard dialogue without either you, or them, feeling embarrassed. I am often surprised when people tell me that “gee, I didn’t realize that your hearing was so poor, you do so well”.
I encourage every one who suspects that they have a hearing loss to recognize that it is just another avenue that your life is taking, one phase has ended - another begins. Whether you wear a hearing aid or not, you still want to participate in your life just as before your hearing loss. Too many times, I tell people that I am hard of hearing and they are “frozen” and they start speaking very loudly and over-enunciating their words to me when before they “knew” they spoke to me normally.

If you think you are suffering from hearing loss, get help first. See you doctor who will likely refer you to someone to test your hearing. There are many things that can be done these days to improve your hearing but the first step is to acknowledge you have the problem, and then seek the proper help in diagnosing and treating your situation.

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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Get ready for Baseballs spring training seasons

For many it's still the middle of winter and the world series is not even yet a too distant memory, but before long it will be time for spring training to begin. Many people don't realize that you can get tickets for spring training games season just like you can for the regular season, but you can and often you get a great look at the teams of your choice early on and do a little pre-season scouting of your own.. has your
San Francisco Giants spring training tickets ready for you to order. The Giants are part of the "Cactus League" and if you want to get those home plate seats in the stadium, it's never too soon to start looking for those tickets. Or...maybe you are or became a Detroit Tiger fan after last seasons fantastic finaly and like to watch their games in the spring. Well you can as you can also get Detroit Tiger spring training tickets from this site also. They are part of the Grapefruit League and located in Florida.

Batter up!

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Follow up on Adsense graphics use change

About a week ago I posted about Google change in their Adsense policy with regard to using pictures that improperly represented the ads to vistors on their site (see I did some removing of pictures from the ad blocks on pages where these would violate the TOS of Google Adsense and replaced them with a colored bar that has a gentle animation to it that I hoped would be enough to catch the eye of the visitor but not scream "I'm an ad, click me".

Well after 7 days or so, I have to say that my CTR's appear to be ok so far. I've seen a drop of about 1% on the average, but I've also seen a visitor drop in the month of December as well. It's definately too soon to tell but I'm at least encouraged that the new animated color bar seems to be working so far.

Now I guess you could interpret that two different ways. Either the pictures being used before didn't make much of a difference, or the new bar is serving the same purpose. I tend so far to lean toward the the latter, as I know for a fact that adding pictures originally increased my CTR's a good bit on the pages where they were used.

I am using AdSpyTracker for my stats
which you can get here for $9.99 and it's giving me all the information to run the testing on the ad blacks since the change. I will be posting more once I get a month or so of testing data to do a real comparison. To your success and don't forget to stop by my main site too at .

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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Using directories in your linking strategies

I want to briefly cover back linking and other techniques on how to find a suitable linking strategy for your website and put it to work for you. One of the most effective ways to promote your business online, especially if you use search engine optimization to build traffic is linking, and one common way of doing that is using a web directory. The "Emporium Directory is a general web directory containing quality and hand-picked listings at affordable rates. You can submit to thier directory to increase your backlinks, popularity and traffic." There are several linking techniques and strategies used to obtain inbound links. Linking strategies take time and effort to implement, as they are very time consuming and this is where using a web directory such as the Emporium directory can help speed up your process.

Some of the strategies that I use to make linking more effective, as well as raise my rankings in the search engines is by applying the strategies of a linking campaign that is both relevant and highly targeted to your main search phrases. Proper website linking strategies can help you gain inbound links which in turn can greatly improve your search engine ranking. The downside to any strategy is to find willing and co operative webmasters to do the exchanges with. If you’ve been sitting and wondering why the traffic to your website is trickling in to your website ever so slowly then this article is intended to help you add some much needed oomph to your marketing campaign by using a linking strategy and using a resource such as the Emporium Directory will help you attain that goal.

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Restless sleeping and simple solutions

Narcolepsy, a chronic and commonly diagnosed sleep disorder, affects over a quarter of a million Americans each year (approximately one person in every two thousand). Restless legs syndrome, or RLS, is seen as both a neuromuscular disorder and a sleep disorder. Experiencing difficulty in sleeping for any great length of time may well indicate that you suffer from a common sleep disorder.

The National Institute of Health simply defined sleep disorder as any difficulty concerning the sleeping habit of a person. Commonly triggered by upcoming events (such as important meetings or interviews), jet lag, or a passing illness (like a cold or the flu), a mild sleep disorder presents relatively little difficulty in terms of its management and, if left to its own devices, will often pass quite quickly. Today, sleep apnea is being widely recognized as a common disorder amongst children of all ages, and particularly amongst children between the ages of about three and six.

The use of aromatherapy, chromatherapy and guided relaxation and meditation can help to reduce the anxiety and insomnia sleep apnea patients experience as they learn to manage their sleep disorder. Aside from the frustration that insomnia can cause its sufferers, this sleep disorder causes those afflicted to lack enthusiasm and energy, have memory and concentration problems, feel lethargic, frustrated and sleepy during the day. Probably the most common cause of insomnia and other sleep problems is stress.

Stress reduction can be one of the greatest aides in reducing the affects of sleep disorders. Unforntunately, the two things go hand in hand and one affects the other. Getting enough excercise can help reduce stress, increse relaxation, with can then also improve your chances of getting enough sleep. This can once again aide in stress reduction and the combination of all these together can finally help you get the good nights sleep that your deserve.

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Dell computer savings coupon codes

Are you looking for some of those great online coupons deals? I recently found a great site for Dell Coupons and Coupon Codes as well as a many others. The site is called Coupon Chief and they are a coupon code site where you can find some great deals to bolster your online purchases. The site is just chocked full of lots of great deals and they have coupons from dozens of different shops that you know well such as Overstock, Gap, Dell, Staples and Target.

If you like to purchase online from stores who already provide great deals, now you can look and see if there are any coupons to further improve on the values you are looking for online. Stop by and see if you can't find your own "bargain" before you make that next purchase. Dell provides some great deals on their own as you know, so why add a Dell Coupons to go along with it!

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Monday, December 25, 2006

A quick Christmas wish for you

I just wanted to take a minute and say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone. If saying Merry Christmas offends you, I'm sorry that it does. The reason I say that is because I am so happy that I can! I am not offended by the Qu'ran or a star of David, and I'm not offended by the atheists that don't believe in Christ. So with that being said I make no apology for proclaiming my faith in Jesus. I am so blessed to live in a country that gives me that choice and the reason for "this season" is Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. If this doesn't suit you or offends you, please feel free to ignore the rest of this post.

Today we celebrate the birth of Jesus, through which who's birth, that those of us who call ourselves his own, can celebrate the gift of eternal life he provides for us through his birth, and eventual death and sacrifice. God gave us his only son, live and die for us that we might live, and I praise God for that sacrifice because without it, I could never be worthy enough to enter heaven and be someday able to commune with him.

Praise be to God on the day we call Christmas and thanks be to God for this wonderful country we live in here in the USA and may he continue to bless us as he has for years. I hope that 2007 is a blessed one for what ever your endeavors might be. I pray for peace in this world, peace between men (and women), and above all people between our countries and peoples. We all want the same things, health, family, prosperity, and good will for all. May we all be blessed with those things in the year to come.

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Custiomized vitamin packs from Vuru

Life is stressful. It is hard to eat well, exercise and do the things necessary to be healthy. The biggest problem is consistency. This problem is even more acute with nutritional supplements and vitamins. People have a difficult time taking one multi vitamin a day. When it comes to maintaining a complete supplement program, success is even more difficult to achieve. A daily pack from gives your patient or client the best chance of being consistent in taking the supplements you suggest. By using Vuru, you will make their lives easier. brings the inventory of a high-end, natural food store right to your office. Becoming a Vuru customer will allow you to create customized supplement programs for your patients and clients. The process takes no more than a few minutes to set up an account and start building a supplement regimen. More importantly, we make it simple for your patients to follow your advice by packaging the supplements that you recommend into customized, daily packets.

There are so many different combinations of vitamin packs to choose from that you won't be dissapointed. You can select any of the many pre-chosen combination packs or simpley create you own. What ever you viatamin needs are, Vuru can help you with the solutions.

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Vitamins - Vital to your health

We have all been told to take our vitamins. We all know that a diet of food rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients is essential to our health and well being. Here is an over-view of the main essential vitamins and minerals, but rather than to take them in isolation it is better to take a good multi-vitamin and mineral tablet aimed specifically for your age group.

Most of us are willing to concede the necessity of having a good balance of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients in our daily diet for good health, but many of us wonder if it is necessary to use vitamin pills and other dietary supplements to do this. I suppose that some of us might be in good enough health not to need additional vitamins, minerals, and other dietary supplements, but if you do fall into one of the other groups, you might want to consider adding at least a daily multivitamin supplement to your diet. So if you are on a diet and are concerned that you may not be getting enough of the B vitamin complex, you should consider purchasing vitamin supplements to make sure you're getting all the vitamins you need.

Two of the most dangerous of vitamins that you can take too much of are vitamin A and vitamin D. Although the need for vitamins and minerals is widely recognized, most people don't bother to take supplements that would ensure adequate vitamin intake. For a child's bones to grow and develop into normal size and hardness, the most important vitamins and minerals, calcium, phosphorous, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin A, and magnesium, must all be present in sufficient quantity within the body.

Digestion is not designed for destruction of vitamins and minerals but simply a method the body uses to transform nutrients into usable substances. You should note that there are four additional substances in the B complex group, though they are not known as vitamins because they are not necessary for normal body function. On the whole, if you have a normal well balanced diet this should provide your body with the vitamins it needs, but if your diet is not fully balanced then you may need to supplement the vitamins you receive in your diet.

I hope I haven’t spoiled your previous views on vitamins but you must remember that even though you may have a healthy and well balanced diet, the natural processes of your body can destroy some of the value of the vitamins you absorb. First, you need to recognize that a little bit of extra vitamins in your diet is okay, since your body will often excrete the excess, but be careful not to overdue. Nothing in excess is good for you.

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Sunday, December 24, 2006

Why do you blog?

If you have no experience with blogs at all, you should check out various blogs on the internet. Unique management tools make it a snap to oversee all the blogs in one place. Blogs are meant to be original. We’ve all seen blogs with commercial messages. It sounds scary at first, but is no longer, when one considers all the help from blog automation tools that enable any one to easily establish a collection of small blogs whose traffic would overwhelm retail establishments. Blogging has fast become one of the premier activites for those who wish to earn money online.

Users usually post small excerpts about daily life, recent events, or news, and often they will return to read what you post next. What if every time you post content on your
blog, it would bypass the spam filters and instantaneously appear on your subscribers’ desktop without any extra effort or cost on your part. Post a single entry into each blog, which is the main content for your page. However, there are other places you can post blog entries which can also affect the popularity of your web site. Now, the reason I ask of you to post at least 20 articles is because you need to have a REAL blogsite to be in the game of personal blogging.

The PayPerPost
blog is no different and if you haven't checked it yet you should. The difference with their blog, is they are the ones helping bloggers like you and me make money on the internet. This is the place where they keep everyone up on the latest of what's going on within the PPP world such as latest news, information, and videos through use of the blog. You can check out all the latest happening and join the program if you desire as well while you are there.

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What exactly is blogging?

With the increased interest in Blogging (web Logging), many web hosting providers now provide an assortment of free usage, open source blogging software packages. For many people blogging is the way in which they are able to update their web site with new information and fresh content. One of the quickest and easiest ways to try your hand at running a web site is to set up a blog. A blog is an excellent tool to reach potential customers, rank higher in search engines and generate more of the ever-important visitor traffic to your web site. A blog which is an online journal won't help your site's search engine ranking if the content isn't that relevant to the focus of your site. Even if you've made a mess of your SEO efforts, or been the unsuspecting victim of an algorithm change, as long as you aren't banned by a search engine, blogging can help bring you back into top results.

What are some of the reasons you don't think you are a blogger? You don't think of yourself as a writer? Many people don't realize that "blogs" are quietly revolutionizing the way people interact on the internet about everything from existing products to new ideas and improvements in customer service. Although a major newspaper called blogging “ephemeral, fast-paced and scathingly opinionated,” blogs also continue to grow steadily in the corporate world and companies are realizing their value. Also, many marketers are blogging and pinging for a few days and then forgetting about the website – your website will likely be de-indexed if you do not continue to naturally blog and ping.

Savvy marketers have discovered that blogging is one of the best Internet marketing methods that is free because you could create your blog almost immediately at no cost compared to the setting up of a conventional website. Each of these blogging software packages offer the basic tools that you would need to create a successful blog and all three are PHP - MySQL open source (free to use) packages. While free services offer the basic necessities of blogging, paid services are usually more desirable since they have more to offer. The best thing about blogging for your work at home business is that you are also able to offer others the benefit of your expertise.

So what's stopping you? Get out there start blogging!

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Saturday, December 23, 2006

PayPerPost "Rock Startup"

Payperpost has there own YouTube channel now where you can find a number of videos on their RockStartup campaign. These guys rock. Not only do they provide one of the coolest programs on the net, but they have video posted to show you their progress along the way, some of the cool stunts they've been involved in like visiting (raiding actually) the Today Show from NBC. I've posted the first of 3 videos here that they have in their YouTube area and there are two more.

They are doing what most of us have dreamt about but we rarely pursue and that's starting a company of our own with simply and idea and a prayer, and some venture capital. In this video you will get an idea what the process is. Ted Murphy had an idea, went after the capital to get it off to a good start, finds the investors, and well the rest is recent history. These guys are doing some cool things and they are sharing it with us as they grow. Payperpost pays you to write about things you love, what more could you ask for?

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Beef Jerky - Make your own and save big

If you're a big beef jerky fan, then you know how expensive can get to buy it from the store. Beef jerky can easily sell for $2.00 or more per ounce and that can add up real fast if like to eat a lot of it.
The history of jerky goes back a long time and was a common way to preserve meat for the winter time in the days long before refrigeration. It was a very practical and useful way of preserving most any type of meat from fish to all of the red and white meats. Today you can purchase smoked turkey, chicken, fish, and beef, as well as types of wild game jerky if you know where to look. Venison jerky is one of my favorites. You will want to marinate your meat overnight if possible but at least a couple of hours before smoking. My favorite recipe is made from 5 lbs. of your favorite meat, sliced thin, and a marinade of 1/2 cup of Worcestershire, 1/2 cup of Soy Sauce, 8oz. Honey, 1/2 cup of salt, 1 tbsp garlic powder, 1 tbsp of black pepper, & 1 tsp. red pepper seeds. This makes a nice spicy/sweet beef jerky. You can also substitute Teriyaki sauce for the Soy Sauce if you prefer. You can also purchase ready made beef jerky seasonings if you prefer.

The process is quite simple really and only requires a simple smoker and heat. These can be home made as well by using things such as discarded well pressure tanks, small metal barrels, or most anything that you can use to create a container to place a coal pan and some cooking grates or racks into. I am a big fan of DIY (do it yourself) projects but in this case I found it to actually be more economical to buy a smoker in place of building one, although building a smoker would be easily in reach of the average do-it-yourselfer. Making beef jerky can even be done on your home gas grille is you want to give it a try. To finish reading this article please visit

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Friday, December 22, 2006

A healthy immune system means a healthy body

Many people are affected with the ailments that can be contributed to the immune system and the overall health of it. Our immune systems are much more important to our daily health than most people realize, becasue if your immune system is not healthy, your can be affected by many different problems at a cellular level. This means that various cell related problems are affected by our immune systems and if they are not functioning properly, you overall health can suffer becasue of it.

There are natural options to keeping your immune system healthy and without the harmful side effects of many of the pharmacological versions of the same. One option you can try is
Glycosure for a healthier Immune System. It is a combination of nutrients to work with your bodies chemistry at the molecular level and can help solve many of the bodies ills.

There are damaging toxins called free radicals that can cascade through our bodies which can be caused by all the stress of our modern lifestyle, processed foods and environmental contaminants. Glycosure™ efficiently reduces the levels of free radicals, there by helping to slow down your aging process. In other words,
Glycosure helps protect against cellular damage normally caused by free radicals and oxidative stress.

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Refinancing - More Pros & Cons

When you think about mortgage refinancing, your main objective has to be saving on your monthly mortgage payment, so the most important reason to refinance is to get a lower interest rate. If it is becoming increasingly difficult for you to make ends meet each month, there are steps you can take to improve your cash flow by refinancing your mortgage. If you are considering refinancing your mortgage because you need to lower your monthly mortgage payment amount, there are a number of different ways to do this.

Since you are interested in a remortgage (as it’s more commonly known) and you want to improve your financial situation, continue reading the information here. Mortgage refinancing can be used by people with bad credit and/or debts to improve their situation, and the money raised by refinancing can be used for debt consolidation enabling you to pay off expensive credit cards, loans and any other debts you may have. Many people are combating rising credit card interest rates and avoiding harassing bill collectors by refinancing credit card debts with cash out second mortgages and debt consolidation loans.

The use of mortgage refinancing is applicable for those who have good or bad credit standing, considerable high interest card debt and a home with equity. The second type of refinaced mortgages is applicable for those who purchased homes when they are in bad credit standing and who, consequently, were led to a high interest mortgage loan. Having bad credit will not prevent you from refinancing your mortgage; it simply means you will have to pay more for the financing.

First, understand that refinancing your mortgage means you take out a new loan on the amount of money you owe on the existing mortgage based on new terms and pay off the old loan with the proceeds from the new loan. Since subprime lenders are taking a high risk by refinancing your home mortgage, you may need to find a few before you find one that offers you the loan.

Whether you are paying on credit card debt or opting for home improvement projects many people advise the fixed interest second mortgage as opposed to the home equity loan. To refinance your revolving credit line with a second mortgage versus for example, a home equity line of credit means you are given the chance to select a fixed interest rate instead of risking the possibility of paying higher interest rates in the future.

You may be able to lower your payments and reduce your cost of credit by consolidating your debt through a second mortgage or a home equity line of credit. Second mortgage are effective financing vehicles for funding home construction, purchasing a second home or refinancing variable rate credit card debt. Obviously, refinancing a home and using the equity to pay-off credit card debt improves credit immediately.

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Refinancing - How did you spend it?

If you have ever had or chose the opportunity to experience mortgage refinancing, then you know the many options and doors that this can open up for you if managed it in the right way. Mortgage refinancing can be a bit confusing, and it's worth visiting to learn more about it first. As with any type of loan, a little investigation first should always be the step you take before signing on the dotted line to make sure it's the right thing for you to do.

When we refinanced out home, the first time was just to lower our interest rate from the level it was at the time we purchased our home, to the more competative rate that was available two years later. The second time we refinanced our home, we not only were once again after the current lower mortgage rate, but we wanted some extra cash to consolidate a few bills and purchase some equipment for a new home business we were starting at the tie. What ever your needs are, lower interest rates or cash out, mortgage refinancing may be an option for you.

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Thursday, December 21, 2006

Secrets for earning with Adsense

It is really frustrating, is it not, to log into your Google Adsense earnings and find that you've had yet another disappointing day. Have you heard the stories about 10% or higher click through rates and $1-$5 earnings per click? Have you ever wished you could figure out how they do it and start making real profits withAdsensee? If so, prepare for a secret to be revealed, because I'm going to show you how it's done.

In the first couple of months after I had added the Google adsense code onto some of my websites, I would go and check how much it had earned on a particular day and would be happy if it was over $1. As time went on, it was $5, and then $20. I was on my way! Then I got greedy and added a bunch of cookie cutter pages and content to my main site and the next thing I knew, my ranking fell big time with Google and so did the earnings. I had to remove the majority of that new content and start the SEO process all over again. It has taken a couple of months to start seeing the "authority" of my site return to what it once was. I learned from that.

In order to maximize your AdSense earnings, you need six things:

1) the right ad format and placement
2) the most valuable keywords to target
3) lots and lots oftargetedd content - the more original the better
4) relevancy of your websites
5) duplicate what works on multiple sites
6) better statistical tracking that Google will EVER give you.

Even if you don't spend a dime on marketing your AdSense website, you still need to track your efforts with ranking in the search engines, your efforts in link trading, your efforts with content building, etc. A great tracker that I've recently found an now use is called
AdSpyTracker. With AdSpyTracker, you can track every single click, where they came from, what ad was clicked and lots more! Another good tracker is called ShowClicks

You've got to keep track of the results of all of your marketing endeavors and focus on those which are giving you the best Return On Investment (ROI). There are some smart Google Adsense affiliates who have found a way of maximizing on the revenue they generate from a single article or piece of content. Being able to convert more clickers ultimately means greater earnings from the same amount of traffic. I wanted to find ways of attracting more visitors to these websites which in turn I believed would help me to increase my adsense earnings.

Adsense is a numbers game in the end. If you know how to $3, $10, or even $20 from a website, there is no reason you can't make $300, $1000, or $2000 by having 10 or 20 sites just like it on other niche topics all earning money. If you've found what works, duplicate it! You can make money with Adsense if you are willing to put in the effort and repeat what works.

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Why would I need a loan?

Getting a personal loans can get you cash fast. No credit check personal loans, sometimes also known as cash advances or payday loans, are perfect for eliminating immediate cash flow problems. You may get a loan of £5000 to £75000, depending on what your needs might be.

Previously the personal loans were almost impossible to find for people with bad debts to their name but with so many creditors willing to provide loans, loans are now much more easily available. Also, in the past searching for loans was a tough task but now days with there being so many organizations
loans are more available then they used to be and easier to find online. In addition to that there are so many features that are available with unsecured personal loans that it is hard to find an option that can match it and your local finacial institution.

A borrower gets the opportunity of choosing between
secured loans and unsecured loans. The borrower can enjoy the opportunity to choose between them assuming they have the correct credit history to qualify for them. People who own a property and have a bad credit history can apply for a secured high risk personal loan while tenants who do not own a property can opt for an unsecured high risk personal loan.

With so many optionas available, it may seem hard to know which loan or loan type to choose from, and companies like SelectLoans can help you find just the right one for you.

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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

New experiment has begun with Adsense

I have been involved with Adsense for a couple of years now and I have read tons of materials on how to optimize my ads and sites to make the best use of the contextual advertising system. I'm far from an expert, but I have learned a few things over the last year that might be of use to someone.

Recently, I have just read that Google has now better defined the use of pictures along side of Adsense boxes to draw the attention of the viewer in the hopes that they will find something of interest for them them to click on so you get paid. Now Adsense has never allowed anything that would be construed as asking the visitor to click on your ads and expressly forbidden but they have allowed the use of pictures to as mentioned before.

The problem is that now they have defined in more detail what is allowed and what isn't for use with Adsense. For example...With the new guide lines, if you have a page about
Morel Mushrooms, and you used pictures of mushrooms next to the Adsense blocks, and the ads are about "mushrooms" as they should be, this can now be construed as a violation of the TOS for Adsense.

So, I needed a new way to draw attention to the ad blocks without using something that might be construed as "asking someone to click" so I thought why not use something generic and give it a slight amount of animation. You can see an example of what I am trying here . It's just a generic bar of 4 colors with a very "slow" animation to it and we'll see if it works as well as the pictures used to. Stay tuned for more in about 2 weeks when I have some data to base it on. To your success!

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Natural cholesterol treatments vs. statins

Whether you just found out, or you already knew that your bad cholesterol levels are high, you are concerned and you have good reason to be. Studies show high cholesterol along with other factors reflects an increase in your risk of getting heart disease, the one of the leading causes of death in America today. Whenever the bad (LDL) cholesterol levels gradually climb higher, it is no laughing matter. Ignored, it can contribute to severe health problems including stroke, kidney damage, diabetes mellitus, and even death.

One reaction maybe to visit your family doctor, in which case you could just be given one of many prescriptive drugs to take for the rest of your life. This is one option that many people explore. Many of these drugs have the potential for many negative side-effects including fatigue, dizziness, depression, impotence, liver damage and more.

If you are looking for a natural way to treat your high cholesterol, then you can try to
lower your cholesterol with Cholestycare, an all natural product developed to help the body do naturally what it's supposed to do. If natural cholesterol lowering is your prefernece, then Cholestycare might the right option for you.

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Latest cholesterol updates

Yesterday was my quarterly visit to the doctor for two reasons, one was to have my sugar levels checked, and the second is to review my lipid work up. As I have mentioned in an earlier post, I am a borderline diabetic and have fought with cholesterol issues for most of my life but didn't know it, until at age 37, when I had a bypass to my left arm and corotid artery surgery to reduce a 75% blockage in my left side.

I have since been on numerous diets and medications, both natural and phamacological to control my cholesterol levels. After 7 years, I now have all of my levels under control and have quit smoking as of 3 1/2 years ago to boot. My total cholesterol levels now run about 120, with HDL of 43 (still too low but I started at 31) and LDL of 56 (started well over 100).

I can't tell you what the best treatment for your situation will be, but most importantly, you need to know your numbers and make sure you are checked and monitored closely by a doctor you trust. There numerous natural medications available that work for some and there of course the statins that are so popular in the world of medicine today.

Find what works for you and stick with it. Your life literally may depend on it!

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Credit cards - good, bad, or just ugly?

Most of us have at least one or two credit cards and some have many more. I currently have 3, 2 of which I use to pay down existing debt as they are "zero interest" cards, and one which I use as needed at a very low interest rate. You can find many of these options at credit cards UK

Now this can be a good thing, or it can be a bad thing, or if you don't make your payments on time, it can be a downright ugly thing. If you read the
credit card news, you will find that almost 25% of all credit card holders have transferred balances in the last year to othe rcredit cards, most often to lower rate cards.

Choosing the right credit card for you is important. You need to be aware of the many different types of cards on offer and to fully understand the small print involved. You should also seek
credit card advice if you find yourself on the "dark side of credit". As always, use your credit and credit cards wisely!

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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Vacation season will be here soon - golf anyone?

This is the time for daydreaming about your annual vacation. Modern workers embody the phrase "work hard, play hard" - and every grain in the paid vacation hourglass is important. Again, this yields a good or great vacation, but we need to discuss the perfect vacation. About 18% of respondents use half or less of their paid vacation days each year, some for fear that they might not seem as dedicated to their jobs in the eyes of management.

If you decide to take a golfing vacation in Scotland, there is just no doubt at all you will be able to embark on some of the most challenging golfing experiences around. Spring is right around the corner and that means it is time to start planning your golf or other vacation of interest. It's not too soon to begin planning your Ireland Golf Vacation or golf holiday to Ireland. Since you are going to be spending a significant amount of time on the links on your Ireland golf vacation you need to try to plan your other excursions around your tee times. So if you and your golfing group want to enjoy your golf trip and know that you will be playing great golf courses, here are a couple of tips to make sure you get what you pay for on your next golf vacation.

It may be tempting to arrange a golf package that lets you play in some of the same courses that the pros play every year, but before you rush out and make your reservations, consider how well your skill level at the game will match the golf course where you would be playing. And if the golf course is so difficult that it is way over your head, how much fun are you really going to have while playing the game? These are good questions to ask yourself before you make your travel plans. In order to have the most fun while on a golf vacation package, you'll need to be prepared for whatever weather you may encounter at your destination.

Where ever you want to go, a golf vacation destination may be waiting for you and you'll be able to thoroughly enjoy the trip by preparing in advance. Planning ahead, rather than packing the night before you leave for a trip, will help your vacation get started on the right foot. If you’re looking to cut the learning curve, there are a many of golf course guides that you can review and provide you with a sufficient background in that time to enable you to go it on your own the rest of your vacation while feeling quite confident about what you’re doing.

Then again, you can always decide to move to a vacation destination forever, especially when you compare the length of the idylls in other parts of what we loosely refer to as the civilized world. If you decide to schedule your golf vacation for the off-season in a particular area, be fully prepared before you go. All a vacation is really is a break in your routine with the accompanying positive mental shift that helps you fully absorb and receive the benefits.

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Get your puzzle on!

Do you like puzzles? And do you also like scavenger hunts? Well it's time for a new opportunity that will be starting in January for the new year put on by PayPerPost. This is a puzzle piece for an opportunity that will be announced in the near future. The first person to reassemble all the pieces and post it on their blog will get paid a $1000 opportunity fee. There are 30 puzzle pieces in all and will scattered around through out various blogs on the internet. This puzzle piece contains a sneak peak at RockStartup Vegas.

If you aren't already familiar with RockStartup in Vegas, it's a
reality tv series that you can find it here at RackStartup and you know what they say about Vegas? What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas and the PayPerPost crew is no different. Join them on their latest trip and see what happens. Be on the lookout real soon about the chance to win the $1000 opportunity fee! This post is sponsored post brought to you by PayPerPost.

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Monday, December 18, 2006

It's almost time for the Rose Bowl and the BCS championship game

Once again Michigan will be playing in the famed Rose Bowl. If you are a Michigan and especially a college football fan, then this is one of the games that come New Years day, that we all know you will be watching!

Now being a Michigan fan, there is a part of me that really would like to see Michigan and Ohio State go at it again for all the marbles, but the fact is, even as a die hard Michigan fan, I have to say that the championship game was already played back in November and unfortunately for me, Michigan came out the 2nd best, but a great season non the less.

I am a huge proponent of getting rid of the current BCS system in lieu of a real playoff season. I know this rubs many people the wrong way, and all the big money would end up being split differently when it came to championship games. But...I really feel this system of "voting" has long out lived it's usefulness and value. Every other level of collegiate sports has a bracketed championship, just like it was in high school too, so why shouldn't it still be the same with the "Big Ten, the Pack Ten, the ACS, etc?

I know, "it's just the way it's been for a long time", but that doesn't make it right and I feel it's time for a change. This is not sour grapes on my part as my team is already out of the picture, had that been the case this year. I do feel however the current system is wrong and there is a "better way".

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I need two - tickets that is!

If you are a Troy Smith fan or simply an Ohio State fan and don't want to miss the big game then you might to want to run over to find Ohio State BCS National Championship Tickets . It's not too late. No, you won't just tickets for the "big game" at face value, but if you know of some that might be willing to be a donor and contribute $2500 per year, plus the cost of season tickets (roughly $600/pair), plus face value for the bcs Championship tickets ($550/pair), it is still possible.

At, you can find some of the best prices on brokered tickets around but these tickets won't be available for long. So, if you are interested in
Ohio State BCS National Championship, now would be the time to see what you can find in order to be able to go to the game of the year.

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Embroidered ham radio call sign hats or caps

Do you have an embroidered ham hat? Or a call sign hat? If you are a ham radio operator, then you have no doubt been part of an event where you have seen many of the people that are attending these events with an embroidered ham radio call sign hat, proudly sporting their call signs, names, and even locations embroidered on them. As hams, we love to tell people who we are and love to have it on on our hats and clothing.

Astrid's Embroidery & Quilts, we offer a full line of embroidered ham radio call sign hats for all your ham apparel needs. We offer very competitive prices and we can ship anywhere in the continental US. We can also ship international, but shipping would be determined by location. We offer 5 colors of hats available in 2 different styles. We offer PayPal for your convenience, and also accept personal checks if the time to process your order is not an issue. With PayPal, we typically ship with in 2 business days of your order receipt.

If you are looking for a
embroidered ham radio call sign hat, we've got what you need.

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Sunday, December 17, 2006

If you fight joint pain, try a natural remedy

If you fight joint pain, you may suffer from a very common illness called gout. It is a painful inflammation caused by uric acid build-up in the joints. It occurs when the liver produces more uric acid than the kidneys can excreted. It can be caused by eating too many rich foods or drinking alcohol and it is also a possible side effect of prescription drugs used to treat high blood pressure, high cholesterol and digestive upsets.

With as many people as there are int he world today on blood pressure and/or cholesterol medications, it's no wonder that so many people suffer from it. Well there a solution that doesn't require another prescription to solve it. It's an
all natural gout remedy from Living Remedies which when taken over time will lower the the uric acid levels in your system to a point where the problem will be relieved. Prefer the natural approach? Then try an all natural joint pain remedy from Living Remedies. You will be plesantly surprised.

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Business blogging - what it can do for you

One of the reasons successful business blogging is working for small business is because of many of its direct and in-direct effects. There is certainly nothing new about the concept of blogging, and yet many business owners and Internet entrepreneurs don’t seem to grasp the power of this simple strategy. As a business owner who likes to stay up-to-date on the latest marketing methods and technology, you probably already know how blogging can help your business.

If you are already convinced with the potentials of business blogs for marketing and targeting sales increase, your company is now ready to start blogging. An increase in sales is just one of the reasons blogs are working for business online, from the small business to larger corporations. Try looking at some different blogs on the internet to see if blogging for your work at home business is something you want to consider.

Before you begin with business blogging, you may want to start of experimenting with a personal blog on one of the free blogging sites. As you take note of how others are blogging for business, you can begin practicing by creating a simple blog for yourself. Summary of Blogging Benefits A business blog can help keep your website fresh and improve your search engine rankings.

For better marketing results, actively promote your business blogs by submitting your blogs to blog search sites and directories. Perhaps the best benefit of all is that blogs are flexible enough to support any business goal, so you can determine exactly how your blog will operate and how it will support your communication goals. With business blogging you get the benefit of providing updates to your consumers and staff without having to re-do an entire website.

The best thing about blogging for your work at home business is that you are also able to offer others the benefit of your expertise. However, there is an art to blogging for business so that your blog does not read like one big catalog of press releases or sales pitches. If you run a business site, but do not currently have a blog, there is a great chance that you are leaving money on the table.

And that brings up a huge advantage to having a blog for your business - you can out flank the media, your competitors and all of the other traditional information outlets with your blog. On the other hand, if you don't have a business, look into having products created for you, or buy products which you can resell on your blog.

You must realize that to be successful in running your business blog, you need to be very passionate about products and services. Blogging for your online business is a proven way to enhance the visibility of your business products and services. First time bloggers need to understand this: business blogs which are here for the long haul require a lot of work and time. I’ve spent a lot of time promoting both my business website and my blogs. There is not much of difference between personal and business blogs visually but there is a fine difference between them in terms of reputation and brand attached. Quite obviously, blogs, when used for more than a personal journal can help your home business immensely. How can a blog boost your business?

No matter how you use your blog, remember that it is a representation of you and your business, so keep it professional. Setting up a blog is easy, you can either purchase blogging software or use a blogging hosting service to do it for you. If you will be allowing your employees to add entries to the company blog, it is a good idea to implement a blogging policy.
If you want to develop a blog network, your aims will be to: develop a mission for the network, as well as a clear idea of where and how you'll add blogs to the network, and where and how the revenue stream will be built. Blogs may be a way for a business to increase attention to their place or it may be a way for people who enjoy writing about a specific topic to make a little money on the side.

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