Saturday, May 26, 2007

PayPerPost goes "Direct"!

As a long time user of PayPerPost, and a few other miscellaneous paid posting companies, it was really nice to see someone come out with another direct to advertiser option that doesn't keep all the dollars for them selves. ReviewMe is one of those options, but 50% of the offer is kept by ReviewMe and you will only receive the other 50%

PayPerPost on the other hand has just launched a new system called PayPerPost Direct which allows a blogger to gain "direct" advertisement for
blogging and effectively eliminates the middleman from the whole equation. They only collect a 10% fee, of which 5% is to simply cover the PayPal fees for the transaction.

Once again Ted has started thinking outside the box, and has found another way to allow the blogger doing the
blogging to capitalize on the advertising and let the blogger profit. This will have no affect on the normal PPP opportunities and they remain as they always were, but everything is available from one easy to use interface, which also recently received a nice enhancement for Posties.

Click the "review this post" button below to join PayPerPost and start earning money today, or if you have a special request that you would like me to blog about for you, click the "hire me" button on the top right of this blog to request you very own article or advertisement.

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