Well Joel Comm does it again with 500Words.com
With the launch of www.500words.com, Joel has probably netted more money in a week than I have made in the last 6 months on my day job just by counting words already gone from the page. On top of that, he's selling the script that he had written for him to make the page work automatically and rumor has it they are selling for $500 and up. It doesn't take much math to see that he hit the proverbial internet gold pot on this one.
The interesting thing about this whole idea is the fact that no one knows if there's even going to be a good benefit to this. It could turn out to be another useless link farm or it might do as he proposes and increase traffic for the sites that have bought their words. Either way it doesn't matter because the sweet part of this deal is the fact he doesn't have to worry about it. All he is responsible for is keeping the page up for at least two years and for doing that he's raking in potentially $50,000 for the words and probably that much and more, selling a script (that will show up for free before too long on someone's script site) for even more than the words are worth. Most of us could handle that kind of success I'm sure.
How many of the copy cat sites will be successful will remain to be seen. If you look at the 1000 word page at http://1000wordpage.com you will see that they are not having the success that Joel is (and rumor has it they were first but didn't do good PR to sell it). They even dropped their prices I see to try and compete. What is the difference? I'm guessing two things. One is the popularity and reputation that Joel has and two, his ability to market a product, generate the interest quickly, and then quickly sell off the idea to others before it loses momentum. I had never even heard about the 1000 word page site until after Joel launched his 500words site. He did this with a 5000 person list he says, generated the interest in the concept just before launching it, sold everyone on the concept, and laughed all the way to bank inside of a week. Now that is internet savvy that I don't yet have and maybe never will. No matter how stupidly simple I think the idea was, and no matter how much I might think that the people buying the words or the script are betting on a loosing horse, the fact is, he sold the idea and made it into money.
I can learn two things from this. First, there are plenty more ideas out there to think of but I need to get busy and jump outside of the box and start thinking instead of drooling over others successes. Second, the old saying of there's one born every minute is more true that I want to believe. I am quickly becoming convinced that lots of people are willing to pay for a lot of things, even if they haven't a clue what their benefit might be. I guess to some extent, it's simply the "nothing ventured, nothing gained" routine, but you can bet that from now on I will looking closer at more peoples foreheads for that sign that says "I'll buy that!"
My hats off to Joel Comm, may I learn from his success http://www.wm8c.com
Technorati Tags: Internet Marketing, 500words, 500words.com, Joel Comm, Internet Marketing, Make Money, Online business