Monday, January 01, 2007

Some article and e-book writing tips

When deciding how long your article should be remember that you do not have to fill the whole page with information, you will a lot of articles on the various article sites around are usually between 250 and 500 words long. This is because when you are writing for an internet audience they don't want to spend a lot of time reading, but to continue on their search for what vrought them there to begin with. If you feel unsure about your article content and the number of words that you want to include in it then I would suggest that you have a look at other article sites that are available such as Freezine Articles, Isnare and Ezine Articles as well as Give-me-articles.

If you are wrting an e-book, there are many things that can promote successful ebook writing. The first step in writing a article is picking a topic. Think about what you need to say before you start writing and try to know and understand know your target audience. Then write a rough draft of your article. Writing a rough draft is a great way to start to pour your ideas onto paper without worrying about everything being perfect. You should write an article that shares your knowledge in a particular area and provides valuable information to your reader.

Once you've decided what your writing is going to be about, brainstorm for more sub content ideas. I prefer another method and it's to just start writing and don't stop. Even if your spelling is looking poor as you write it – keep writing, as long as the words are coming, just keep going. Don't stop wrinting until you have nothing left. Don't stop no matter what, just keep writing everything that comes to your mind. If it goes to long you for an article you can use it in an ebook or split into smaller articles.

I know that the writing sometimes comes very hard and can almost drive you insane because you are suffering from information overload, or are just plain stuck. From time to time you will run into writers block. The block may not be simply an absence of ideas about how to carry on, there may be a presence of feelings actively working against carrying on. Whatever the nature of the ideas you are working with it is essential to establish a sense of forward momentum right from the start, and to keep up the pressure all the way through. Something you can do to get through writer's block, believe it or not, is to just walk away. Another thing you can try is is some excercise which will clear your mind.

By writing many quality articles, you will start to be recognised as an expert in your field. Whether a writer receives payment or not is more likely to be due to personality traits and cannot imply of itself good or bad quality in the author’s ability to write. The higher the quality of your article the more likely it will be used by other users. Anyone can do this with a little practice and perserverance. See you at the Ezines!

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