Monday, April 09, 2007

How to Turn Sites Into Money

If you are into Internet marketing of any kind, then this is a question you have undoubtedly asked or at least thought about many times. There are so many different ways to approach this question and hundreds of so called Gurus all telling you what the best way to do this is. The truth is, I can't tell you what will work best for you and I'm not a Guru by any stretch of the imagination.

I can however make some suggestions based on my own experience of what works for me. I have primarily stayed with the Google AdSense and Kontera programs as the main source of residual income. I don't even care to remember how many pages of information I've read in the past year on my own path to enlightenment.

There is a free eBook I recommend that is only a few pages long and it describes a system that anyone can master. The concept is one of those that is so simple, that many don't think about it when they are building sites, but I can tell you from my own experience that it does and is working to build good consistent traffic for me and my sites. You can go to my main site at and use the form on the right side of the page to get your free copy of the eBook today. See you on the other side.

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