Sunday, April 15, 2007

Maternity Card by American Health Care Options

MaternityCard™ is a product from Affordable Healthcare Options specifically developed to allow pregnant women to afford the rising costs of delivering babies by reducing the cost up to 60% (0%-60%). So who can benefit from this type of program? Well any one who is already pregnant and that doesn't have Maternity Health Insurance , or possibly has health insurance coverage that doesn't include maternity coverage. It also can be useful for anyone who's having a baby and paying cash directly to providers or anyone planning on getting pregnant.

For a low monthly fee, MaternityCard will provide you with a comprehensive maternity program and they guarantee that you will save at least the cost of your yearly membership or they will pay you the difference plus $200 and you would receive the next 12 months of your membership free of charge. Your savings may be more or less depending on your pregnancy, but you are guaranteed to save at least the cost of your yearly membership.

If you are overwhelmed by the current costs of your maternity care and fall into any of the categories that I listed earlier, then this might be something for you to give a try.

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