Monday, January 01, 2007

Internet security - how's your connection?

For the first response, that Internet security is not achievable, ninety-nine percent of all reported intrusions occur because of known vulnerabilities or configuration errors. A computer security suite (also referred to as an Internet Security Suite) is a bundled software package from the same manufacturer that includes several different types of internet security protection.

The key to successful computer protection with a computer security software suite (or any internet security software) is regularly updating the software. Recommended Computer Security Suites Internet security software suites produced by large, reputable vendors like Symantec, Trend Micro, McAfee, Zone Labs, and Panda are excellent and should provide you with great overall protection. Home internet security comes in four main categories of protection, Spyware Protection, Anti-Virus Protection, Firewall Protection and Windows Updates.

There are many types of internet security software out there, which offer varying ranges of performance when it comes to security. At the beginning of 2001, most computer security professionals began to become aware of an alarming new threat to Internet security, the proliferation of cheap, easy to use packet sniffer software. One of the leading problems in Internet security is how easy it is to get someone's e-mail address.

If you following these few simple steps you will have the latest in Internet security and shouldn't have too many problems with viruses/hackers etc. There will always be a trade off between security and functionality, but security experts always maintained that letting websites unrestrictedly launch executable code within the browser creates unlimited potential for exploitation. Remember, that you the user control your level of security on the Internet.

I realize that you cannot avoid all risk in life, but the bottom line is if you participate in the online world, you will have to bear the risk of a certain amount of exposure and be prepared to address the issues that are part and parcel with sharing personal information on the Internet. I can say that never curse others who damaged your computer or information, curse yourself that you were not able to block them.

Never surf without a security condom!

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