PayPerPost is buying into Yahoo and going to become an integral part of their advertising and search engine core group. Yahoo has remained totally mum on the whole project as the details are still likely being hammered out. The rumor also has it that the the first Postie to get the word out about this newest venture is going to be eligible for a $1000 one time payment for breaking the news.
So how is PPP going to be integrated with Yahoo in something totally new in the advertising world? They are going to revolutionize the blogging world with something called Ya'PerPost, where you will be able to post your blog entries and have them immediately listed at the top of the search engines to drive traffic to the advertisers site. No more waiting for years and months to get listed in the new search engine, as you are automatically placed at the top for your subject every time you post!
Unlike PayPerPost, where you get paid to blog through blog advertising, with Ya'PerPost you will get immediate top search engine placement for your submitted blog posts. Don't believe it? If not, it's my rumor and I'm sticking to it. If you want to read more for yourself about PayPerPost, then just click on the "get paid to review my blog" button below and join. It's just a rumor, but I would get on board while you still can!
Technorati Tags: Paid Blogging, Blog Advertising, PayPerPost
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