Sunday, July 30, 2006

Custom Injection Molding Basics

I finally got around to adding some custom injection molding basics to my website this week. I have about 5 pages done of what will likely be about a 15 page series by the time I finish it. I was going to wait until I finished the entire thing to add it to the site but as I saw it was going to be a multiple week project, I decided to add about 5 pages at a time over that period. I will beout lining the entire injection molding process in a generic approach to help people who are interested in the field but don't have a clue what happening with the process and how it works, to gain a little knowledge to better understand the injection molding process in it's root form. I will be detailing the injection molding machine in it''s main components and briefly explaing what each does. From there we will start into the processing bascis, and finally finsh with a completed injection molded part. I hope that as I go, I will start getting questions here on this blog and I may eventually even put an injection molding troubleshooting forum like I mentioned in a post back in June, if enough interest exists. You can fin the first 5 pages at

Stop by and check it your success!

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