Monday, August 21, 2006

Archery Deer Hunting Season 2006

Well it's almost that time again. Time to break out the 3D targets and get some serious practice time in. Time to do some extra scouting in the woods to see what the deer have been doing in the last few weeks. Time to figure out where they are traveling to and from and pick that favorite tree, if you don't already have one. Time to spend some quality time in the outdoors with nature and hopefully stock the freezer for winter before the season ends again.

I know there are many that are against hunting and think that we are all just a bunch of "Bambi killers" and that we should give the deer rifles so they can defend themselves. I of course, don't and never will understand that way of thinking because I believe most hunters are wonderful people, love the outdoors, and through license fees help maintain some semblance of equality in nature by helping pay for habitat improvement and much more.

I'm strictly a meat hunter, meaning that I eat what I kill and feel it should be that way. I'm not a trophy hunter and prefer not to "pen hunt" as some do, but I don't hold that against them either as it's just their choice for the way they choose to enjoy the outdoors and may simply not have the time to do otherwise. I also hunt state lands because I don't have private land to hunt on but that just make it more of a challenge. I have taken enough deer with a bow and arrow on state lands to know it can be done with enough patience and scouting.

To all of you that are gearing up for the hunting season, good luck! To all of you gearing up to spam my blog with your "hunter hate mail", please don't because it's a waste of both our time. May the hunting season of 2006 be successful, and by that I mean may you enjoy the outdoors the way God intended us too, and if you are lucky enough to fill the freezer this year, I'd love to hear from you! To those who are not, I'd love to hear from you too! Can't ever get enough good hunting stories, both about success and the near misses or learning expeditions! If you'd like to read my previous year hunting stories, stop by my site at and look under hobbies.

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