Saturday, December 23, 2006

Beef Jerky - Make your own and save big

If you're a big beef jerky fan, then you know how expensive can get to buy it from the store. Beef jerky can easily sell for $2.00 or more per ounce and that can add up real fast if like to eat a lot of it.
The history of jerky goes back a long time and was a common way to preserve meat for the winter time in the days long before refrigeration. It was a very practical and useful way of preserving most any type of meat from fish to all of the red and white meats. Today you can purchase smoked turkey, chicken, fish, and beef, as well as types of wild game jerky if you know where to look. Venison jerky is one of my favorites. You will want to marinate your meat overnight if possible but at least a couple of hours before smoking. My favorite recipe is made from 5 lbs. of your favorite meat, sliced thin, and a marinade of 1/2 cup of Worcestershire, 1/2 cup of Soy Sauce, 8oz. Honey, 1/2 cup of salt, 1 tbsp garlic powder, 1 tbsp of black pepper, & 1 tsp. red pepper seeds. This makes a nice spicy/sweet beef jerky. You can also substitute Teriyaki sauce for the Soy Sauce if you prefer. You can also purchase ready made beef jerky seasonings if you prefer.

The process is quite simple really and only requires a simple smoker and heat. These can be home made as well by using things such as discarded well pressure tanks, small metal barrels, or most anything that you can use to create a container to place a coal pan and some cooking grates or racks into. I am a big fan of DIY (do it yourself) projects but in this case I found it to actually be more economical to buy a smoker in place of building one, although building a smoker would be easily in reach of the average do-it-yourselfer. Making beef jerky can even be done on your home gas grille is you want to give it a try. To finish reading this article please visit

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