Tuesday, November 14, 2006

PayPerPost - A new way of thinking

I have been blogging for about 2 years now. In that time, about one and half of those years were about the same things I write about today, and that was all of the things I have learned along the way with internet marketing and earning money online, things that interst me as I go through life and wish to share, and my thoughts about new things that come along.

For the last 4 months or so, I am still writing about the same types of things, the only difference now is that for some of my posts about those same topics, I am getting paid for them. How am I doing that? I do a portion of my posts for a company called
payperpost. They are sprinkled in my blog as I go and I still can do what I've always done with my blog and that is write about things that interest me, and that I think will be of interest to you and through word of mouth marketing, it provides me with a bit of income to do it through sponsored posts.

How cool is that? I love the free enterprise system and the
word of mouth marketing system too!

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