Tuesday, November 14, 2006

What is our country coming too?

With the recent elections now over and the American people making what I considered to be a bold statement to our existing leaders, I hope they have listened and will react accordingly. I am neither a Republican nor Democrat, so I guess that makes me an independent. I have always tried to vote for what I felt was the "morally correct" candidate that best reflected my view point.

Unfortunately, I have heard a number of comments over the last week or so that I find a bit disturbing and even disappointing. What that is has been numerous people speaking about the recent switch in power as change from one side of the fence to another. I've heard from a number of voters that they voted simply for a party without having a clue where they stand on the issues that mattered to them. This is sad for a number of reasons, but the one that bothers me most is that we could have just put a number of people in power that won't fight for your views and it was done simply to send our leaders a message.

This could be more of an issue than the current administrations ability to handle the concerns of the nation as a whole. As voters we need to understand all the issues that our candidate will support or we will be no better off than we were. Do you know where your candidate stands on abortion, or the war on terror, or any of the issues that matter to you in the end. Take the time in the next two years to get to know your candidates and all the issues so that you can make an informed vote in the next election. If we start letting our emotions about certain issues get in the way of the issues that matter we only hurt ourselves. Become informed, our future is riding on it!

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