Monday, October 23, 2006

2nd Annual Home Office From Hell contest

Do you spend you waking hours in a cubicle so small that you can’t turn your chair around, and on top of that have to share it with someone else? Do you work in an office that is so old, dark, and dingy, that you wouldn’t wish it on your worst enemy even though it reminds you of the root cellar at grandma’s house when you were a kid? Do you share an office with an incessant talker or maybe someone who doesn’t know the word personal hygiene? Then you might have the right stuff for The Home Office From Hell contest. Sponsored by, you could win 12 months of rent (up to $12,000) at any location posted on plus a paid trip to New York City to have lunch with Donald Trump's right-hand man and former Co-Star of The Apprentice - George Ross. If this sounds like an interesting thing to you then go there and enter The Home Office From Hell contest today. You never know…

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