Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Newgie - Ranking news to bring you what you want

Newgie.com is all about bringing you the news that you and others are interested in most based on a unique ranking system that they employ. Typically, most people had to rely on the media providers for this. We had to rely on them providing us with news stories that we were interested and also to decide which of those stories are important enough to "make the front-page".

Newgie.com approaches this process in a different way and it lets us the reader, determine which stories are the most Âimportantt & news worthy”. The news still comes from the same sources that people are used to using, but instead of viewing the news as provided by the media, we the Newgie user can view the news based on “newsiness”. This "newsiness" is determined by our fellow Newgie.com users. By focusing on normalmmal routines and actions that people use when they read the news, Newgie concentrates on their interest in the story. The desired result should be that the Newgie user can easily find the news stories that are the most interesting, current, and of course the most important from a new worthy stand point.

Personally I think this system has some great merit. When ever I go to another "big time" news media site, I get what they think I want to see. At Newgie, I can get what we all are actually interested in, by using the methods they have developed. The site is very well laid out and easy to navigate. Signing up is a breeze and the RSS feeds are very simple to subscribe to and you can get what you are looking for and what is important to be reading.

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Family and online business. Does it mix?

I have been dabbling in internet market for about 7 months now and I'm a "virgin" in the internet marketing world by any stretch of the imagination. However, I am continuing to learn and will continue to do so as time goes on.

I have been bit by the "guru's" and their sales pitches and even had to bite back a few times. I am continuing to try to grwo my mian site into a good Adsense income that I use to supplement other activities online as I learn more about it and have been fairly sucessful with that so far. I have met and exceeded my 6 months goals and have now set a new one for the next six months which is to double the current goal.

Recently my youngest sister has approached me on whether I can help her with developing an internet income. I question my wisdom in this choice as I have agreed to give her a hand but this could be scary stuff. I sent her an eBook the other day on Adsense and the basics of using it and when I asked her if she received it or not? Her answer was "yes I did, but what do I do now"? My answer was rwad it and learn?????????? Oh boy, what did I get my self into! I'm sure she'll do fine but this may be a slow painful process! Good thing she's my baby sister.

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Thinking about getting married? How about a PayPerPost Wedding?

They invaded the Today Show in New York. They have done about every crazy thing you can think of in the name of promoting the PayPerPost program. Well how about a payperpost wedding Las Vegas style? I thought I had seen it all but these guys are doing whatever it takes to become a houshold name and now they are looking for a fellow "Postie" to have a payperpost wedding in Las Vegas!

Were I single I'd be standing in line for this opportunity, because if it's being done PayPerPost style, it's likely to be an event that won't soon be forgotten. If you know of someone looking to get hitched and and want to have a
payperpost wedding they need to check this one out...this outta be cool!

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Wisdom against the pitfalls of online sales promotions

I love to learn things. It’s just something I like to do and the more I can learn the better. I occasionally will run into something I have difficultly grasping, but with a bit of due diligence and patience I can usually get it figured out. Since I haven’t yet earned a lot of money, I for the most part rely on information that I can find online for free or glean from the various internet marketing forums I hang around when time permits. My main thrust so far has been with Adsense and tools that will help me continue to grow that income. I have picked up a few tidbits along the way and I thought I would try to share a few with you. If you have been around the internet marketing circuit for even a short time, you know that every week there is going to be “another big launch” of something. They will sell you on it for weeks and get you all geared up for launch day, and the next thing you know, you own another piece of digital product that might or might not help you make money.

Tidbit #1 – All online marketers, and especially the really good ones, can sell you the proverbial “boat in the desert” if you let them. I consider myself a fairly well versed individual in the ploys of salesmen, but have fallen for a couple of “less than what was represented online purchases” because of my eagerness to get ahead of the curve. Don’t fall for the “he’s a guru and can be trusted” because it’s not always true. Check with the people in the forums before purchasing anything and you’ll probably be able to get some opinions from the group as to the “worth” of the product you want to purchase.

Tidbit #2 - Wait for at least a day or more before buying a product. Often these products are going to be able to be downloaded and you can get an opinion often from someone who did purchase right away. If it doesn’t feel right to you, it probably won’t be.

Tidbit #3 – If you do purchase something and it comes in the mail, don’t open it immediately. Once you do as with most software or digital products, you open it, you bought it. Leave alone for at least a day if you can to be sure it’s what you really wanted. Sometimes a restocking fee is much cheaper then that package is you bought that you really didn’t need after all (learned this one the hard way).

I will add some more to this in a later post but the same things that apply in the real world apply to online purchases as well. Buyer beware, don’t fall for the big sales pitches, and avoid “impulse buying” without the facts. There’s nothing worse than spending your hard earned dollars on another item to help you earn money, only to find out you could have gotten it free or didn’t really need it to grow your
business. To your success!

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Sunday, October 29, 2006

PayPerPost - a short story...

Once upon a time there was a guy who was new to blogging. He had a blog in order for him to be able to tell everyone about the things he enjoyed doing, things in the internet marketing arena that he was working on, and many other topics he felt his readers might find interesting or useful in their daily life and quests on the internet.

He had started to monetize the blog with Adsense and was doing well with that program but thought to himself there must be another way to increase his income with another method. While perusing one of the Adsense forums he belonged to, someone mentioned a program called

This was a unique program in as that you could look at the opportunities they had available, choose what you wanted to write about and get paid for doing it. There are a lot of things that can be said about
PayPerPost, but in my eyes, they have all been mostly positive. I have never been sorry I joined and I happily provide links and posts for their customers. We all win!

I have earned about $330 so far and I have over $200 pending, all for writing in my blog which I would do anyway. I am glad for
PayPerPost, as they provide me with some extra spending money that I can use to further promote my internet ventures. The blogger thought this was so cool! He joined the program and has lived happily ever after!

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Friday, October 27, 2006

Weight loss and diabetes update...

As I have written in earlier posts, I recently was diagnosed as being a borderline diabetic. My blood tests results cam in at a staggering 6.3%! 6.0% is considered diabetic. Ok, that's not staggering by any stretch of the imagination but I have to admit it scared the crap out of me. Even more than my vascular history due to my high cholesterol issues, this disease is a killer in it’s own right.

Living with diabetes is very manageable but the problem typically only worsens over time. It starts affecting various organs in your body in an often silent way and can cause irreversible harm if not caught an managed properly. So what do I do?

Well the first thing is to learn about the disease. I have found a wealth of information on the web about this affliction that I am now adding to my repertoire of health struggles. I also am working with my doctor on this issue and the obvious first step for me is to lose some weight. I’m not morbidly obese or anything but have an over grown stomach and can easily stand to lose 30 lbs. without probably even noticing. The doctor wants me lose 60!

I have lost about 20 lbs. over the last six weeks so far and will continue to try to lose about 3 lbs. a week until I reach that goal. I am hoping that I can avoid medications for treating my problem, especially where I am just over the line of being diabetic. Time will tell, but for now eating less and getting more exercise is on the menu!

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Mortage Refinancing - Good or Bad?

I have used mortgage refinancing on our home about three times in the last 12 years. As mortgage interest rates continued to fall below a certain percentage of my current loan interest rate, we would refinance again. This made really good sense to us and over that period, we lowered our interest rate from ver 9% to about 6%.

Getting a
home loan is really not that difficult but you need to be aware of the possible pitfalls when refinancing your loans, especialy if doing so online. There many out there who would take your money in a fruadlent manner and you need to remain aware and learn how to spot them. There can be hidden costs, especially in your closing package and with processing fees, that you need to be aware of before doing business with any company doing mortgage refinancing. A place like PersonalHomeLoansMortgages.com has a lot of informational material and tools to help you with understanding and researching you next mortgage. They have an extensive mortgage directory and forums with helpful content to answer your questions. They also are affiliated with SecureTrust which guarantees compliance with FTC, DoNotCall & Can Spam regulations. You can never have too much infomation when it comes to mamanging your money.

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New home sales - Michigan market stabilizing...

The new home market in Michigan has been on a steady decline in Michigan for most this year. There has been much conversation about the housing bubble bursting in general and Michigan has been no different in that regard. This is a bad thing for many who may have pushed the envelope with 2nd mortgage loans to a level that their homes are now not worth what they owe.

It has been predicted for months prior to this that the bubble could burst at any time and that people were financing too much of their homes value in the hopes of generating some extra cash or paying off large debts that had accumulated. Done wisely this can be a great thing for the home owner but not done wisely, well lets hope you don't need to sell your home in the near future.

It has become a heavy buyers market for the near future it appears and while this last month new home sales has been on a slight increase, the housing market is still much slower than more recent past history. Use caution and common sense when refinancing or taking out 2nd mortgages, you won't regret the decision.

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Monday, October 23, 2006

Trivia Blog – The Quest For Knowledge Continues

Are an information nut? Do you like to know a little about everything? Is playing any or all of the released trivia games what you like to do in your spare time? Then I might have stumbled across a site that could give you a leg up on your competition and it’s called the Aviva Directory Trivia Blog.

Personally I am happy with my ignorance of trivia and knowing enough to appear intelligent without really giving away the truth. But I know a few people that are big into this information game and this site has a lot of the “obscure” trivia facts that most people could care less about but the information junkies thrive on. One of the latest posts is information on the Eiffel tower. Now unless you are French or a trivia player, I don’t care how many people died during it’s construction, but if you need to know, the answer is there.

The Aviva Directory Trivia Blog is broken up into categories, and I’m sure you can find some of those little “tid bits” of knowledge that you want to challenge those of us with less “information brain cells” on this site.

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Fall pond or water garden cleanup chores

We are winding down for the year as it is now past mid-October. Repaired a leak, fed the fish all summer and watched them grow from little one inch gold minnows into 4 - 6 inch gold fish! Time to start thinking about getting ready for the fall cleanup. This is one of those chores everyone hates to love but in the spring you'll thank yourself! There's nothing worse than having to do fall cleanup in the spring because the mess is unbelievable so do it now.

In our area of lower Michigan, the leaves are at about their peak right now and are quickly starting to drop. This means that already and for about the next 4 weeks, leaf litter cleanup from the pond will be a daily task until they are done falling. Unfortunately though it must be done or suffer the consequences of the mess in the spring and believe me when I say that you don’t want to have to re-balance your water PH in the spring if you don’t. I was lazy one year and it took me the better part of the spring and summer to get the PH and alkalinity back under control from all the leaf rot over winter. Needless to say, I replaced a lot of fish that year and I prefer to not have to deal with that again.

Take care of your pond and it will take care of you!

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2nd Annual Home Office From Hell contest

Do you spend you waking hours in a cubicle so small that you can’t turn your chair around, and on top of that have to share it with someone else? Do you work in an office that is so old, dark, and dingy, that you wouldn’t wish it on your worst enemy even though it reminds you of the root cellar at grandma’s house when you were a kid? Do you share an office with an incessant talker or maybe someone who doesn’t know the word personal hygiene? Then you might have the right stuff for The Home Office From Hell contest. Sponsored by Offices2Share.com, you could win 12 months of rent (up to $12,000) at any location posted on Offices2Share.com plus a paid trip to New York City to have lunch with Donald Trump's right-hand man and former Co-Star of The Apprentice - George Ross. If this sounds like an interesting thing to you then go there and enter The Home Office From Hell contest today. You never know…

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Injection Molding IS/IS NOT Matrix

One tool that is always sought after by the newer process technicians in the injection molding industry is the good old fashioned "injection molding process troubleshooting" matrix or what is also known as a process IS/IS NOT matrix. The purpose of this matrix is to give you a starting point, especially when you are new and learning the ins and outs of injection molding process troubleshooting.

These should not be mis-construed as the answer to all your problems, because in many cases your particular problem will require that you do a much more in-depth problem search and resolution than one of these lists will provide. But again, for the brand new process technician or engineer it can shorten the process of troubleshooting injection molding problems by eliminating some of the more obvious items that could not be. Hence the term IS/IS NOT. This matrix will help you define what your problem "IS" or "could be" and what your injection molding problem "IS NOT" or "probably won't be" when deciding what to do to solve your problem.

Finish reading this article at http://www.wm8c.com/plastic_injection_molding_xii.htm . You will find a whole serries of injection molding related articles on my main site.

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Sunday, October 22, 2006

Can't see at night? How about "night vision"?

I have been a hunter for years, most of my life actually I come from a long family history of hunting enthusiasts for a sport that is as fundamental to our way of life today as it was for many before us in the quest to provide food to feed the family through long winters. We still do it for the food as any thing we take while hunting is eaten, but it is not as important to our survival as was for my forefathers. I definitely helps with the food bill during the year though so in that sense it still is very beneficial.

Well, even though it's illegal to hunt at night in every state that I know of for deer, it is very important to know their habits and since deer are very nocturnal and do much of their traveling after dark, it would be very interesting to know what those habits are during the pre-season scouting that one does for deer. Many people go and do what is called here in Michigan "spotting" using high powered lights to see which fields the deer are traveling around.

Well another option for this is one that many do not think about are
night vision optics. These used to be so expensive that they were never a consideration by most hunters, but with the prices coming down so far now, there affordable to most average hunters today. The ability that night vision optics give you is that you now have a way to see the animals after dark but not disturb them in their natural surrounding the way that "spotlights" do. This gives you the chance to watch them do what they normally do and where the normally go, which is great information for when hunting season does finally arrive.

Optics of many types be they binoculars,
hunting optics and scopes, range finders or many of the other types of standard optics that most hunters use and need for their sport, you can find them many places on the web at good prices. Good optics can mean the difference between having extra meat in the freezer after hunting season or not. The have become our "advantage" or the animals we respectfully hunt every year. There is nothing more important when hunting deer which is my favorite sport, than a good pair of binoculars, range finding equipment, and a good quality rifle or shotgun scope. To you success and good vision!

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Deer hunting update as of 10-21-06

Well so far it has been a generally non-eventful season up until the evening of the 18th. I had a really nice buck come into my sons tree stand that evening which I was hunting because he has not been able to get our much with the arrival of his new son. It was the first buck I've even seen this season so far. The deer have been fairly scarce in our little 40 acre plot of state land this season so far. I've had a number of does come in but no bucks.

Well the worst thing that I feel can happen to any hunter happened to me that Thursday evening. He came in upwind from me and didn't smell me, but when he hit the opening, he definitely seemed to "sense" something as he looked right at me and stopped dead in his tracks just out of range. I remained motionless and once he figured he was seeing things he started walking again. When he about 25 yards out I grunted to stop him, put the pin on the boiler room and fired. When I shot he was still looking my direction and must had seen the arrow in flight or "jumped the string" as we say and he went low. With him going low, the arrow hit high but below the back bone where there isn't really anything vital to hit. Crap! I watched him run off and disappear from sight.

I got down shortly after and found my arrow right away, as it passed cleanly through. As I feared, there was no blood trail to follow because of the high hit. I looked for almost an hour and found nothing. Finally about 75 yards from where I had shot him, I found blood where he had evidently stopped for a few minutes. There was quite a bit but as I followed that trail within 40 yards it stopped again. Another two hours that evening produced nothing more.

I picked it back up in the morning and walked everywhere along that trail and any others I thought he could have taken but there just was nothing more to be found. I probably covered a good 1/2 mile square that morning. A lost deer, and my worst nightmare. It's an unfortunate fact of hunting, but I don't like it none the less.

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Vonage voIP - Get your answers here

If you are Vonage user, or wish to be, they have an online forum where you can find the answer to most any question you might have. It's also a great place to discuss any topics you might have with other Vonage users and catch up on all the latest things going on with voIP services from Vonage.

It's simple to sign up if you aren't already a member and all you need to do is go to the
Vonage forum site and create a new account. It's free.

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

HyperVRE, does it do what it says?

It seems like everyday I read posts in marketing forums about how hard it is to make money with Adsense. Now - I don't want to sound like a grouch here... but to be honest with you, I've started to develop a little pet peeve towards posts like this. It's easy for me to say this now... But if I were able to turn back time to several months ago, then I'd see myself as one of the skeptical ones too. Unbelievably, I thought it was a complete waste of my time to mess with Adsense and niche sites. Heck, it was eating away at my entire day. I just wasn't doing it right and I was throwing all of my efforts into manually creating niche sites.

It wasn't long until I learned that if I was going to create multiple niche sites to bring in Adsense revenue and other sources of cash, I was going to have to change my strategies. And just like any other business endeavor, I knew I should continue to do what worked. "Repeat what works," I kept telling myself. Well - I finally figured out what worked! But the bad news was that I was still doing it all manually. It was taking me days and days to repeat the process of "what worked". Trying to create site after site was getting a little ridiculous when I'd spend over a week creating just one site. I knew that I could hang with a lot of the 'beginners' in the marketing crowd by doing things manually. But if I was going to jump one step ahead of them, I needed to change something soon.

I just checked out Matt Callens incredible software called HyperVRE, and this could be the first time that I have used a free software more than I do my other paid programs. While I could go on about the features and how they have benefited my business, I think you really need to see HyperVRE for yourself and what this software really can do. For now, he is giving this software away for free, so take a look before he starts charging for what is currently free.

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My daughter is having a wedding!

Well not yet she isn't but that time will be coming soon. We married off our first daughter almost 5 years ago now and I have to tell you, no matter how much your think you know what your are doing, there is always something else that you needed to learn about planning weddings and honeymoons. And you know what they say about best laid plans. Well when it comes to weddings and wedding plans, if it can go wrong it will, and even if it can't go wrong, it does so anyway.

What we learned from that first experience with planning a wedding is that you can never learn enough about how to properly plan a wedding so when the big day finally arrives, everyone won't be scrambling around trying to make sure everything is taken of and everyone can just enjoy the wedding. If you can afford a wedding planner, great but on our limited budget for weddings, it wasn't in the cards to go that route the first time and won't be for our second daughter either. That means that from start to finish, all the way to the honeymoon, the more you can learn, plan and
budget ahead of time, the better off the whole event will end up to be when it the special day. The bride and groom deserve the best day you can possibly give them within your means.

When you are working on a smaller budget, they are many things you can do to save money up front, but you need to be aware of all the choices you have if you are going to that. For example, when getting your
invitations, you can instead of having them printed, can be purchased or made, or you can go with a combination of both by purchasing the blank invitations and printing them yourself using one of the many programs available on computers today.

The same thing is true with the flowers and other
decorations. You can go with real or imitation flowers, but you need to plan ahead on how you want to do that, and you also need to know what's available to work with. If you want to go with imitations, which often are more practical in the long run, you can make all of your bouquets up well ahead of the wedding date. This will save a lot of stress and hassle when it's time to do the decorating. If you want to go with real flowers, often depending on the time of year, discount flower warehouses are a great source of savings. The only thing that can be an issue is that you will be limited to the types of flowers available at that time of year in your area.

No matter what you want to do, you need to plan the wedding. You won't regret it and it will make the day very special for all of those involved. I don't want my daughters special day ruined because we didn't plan properly.

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Our next embroidery adventure

This coming weekend we are attending our second ham radio swap meet. As I mentioned in an earlier blog post, these are electronic flea markets and they provide us with a great opportunity to make a little money and continue to get exposure for our home embroidery business. We have built a small enclosed trailer since our last trip because otherwise we have to travel in two cars. Considering we have to setup the evening before and then return the following day for the show, this wasn't very practical when it required we take both cars from a gas usage stand point.

I started pricing a number of very small
enclosed trailers and the least expensive one we could find was about $1500. That trailer was 4 1/2 feet by 5 feet. We also needed a trailer that was very light so that it could be pulled around with my wifeÂ’s small car. So thatÂ’s where the DIY person inside of me once again took over. We now have finished the trailer and are ready for the show this weekend at a final cost of just over $500. With a bit of luck we can make most of that back with this weekends show.

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Cruising in the Caribbean and Bahamas

I’m not a huge fan of excessively warm weather but my wife is, so when we start talking about vacation destinations I usually will loose the choice of location to her. When I want to go to the Canadian wilderness in the spring or fall, she wants to go to the Caribbean or the Bahamas (even in summer). Well if you have never been on a Caribbean vacation, then you will want to learn more about it before you make your final decisions on your destination of choice.

One resource you can use to do this is the Warm Islands website. Here you will find hundreds of articles on the countless destinations, things to do, and things to eat in the Caribbean and Bahamas for a tropical vacation. The tropical climate with a rainy season from June to September makes the beach and crystal clear waters of the Caribbean the ideal place for a family holiday or first and second honeymoon. There are a number of top hotels to choose from and the all inclusive package ensures that everything is free. From fresh fruits breakfast to evening cocktails enjoy the very extensive menu of both local and international cuisines.

Caribbean travel specials are wide ranging and it is important for potential vacationers to make thorough enquiries before finalizing on a travel package. This helps compare tour deals and find an affordable and feasible travel special. They include family fun package specials that may offer free rooms or exotic waterfront or beach accommodations at reduced rates. Others offer romance packages or single parent family specials that waiver the prerequisite of two adults in order to avail of discounted rates. Specials may offer discount rates for children's bookings and complimentary babysitting services. There are numerous packages that are also made available at special rates.

All of the major cruise lines have tour packages available to help you travel throughout the region, and you can also check their sites for their ongoing specials to book your best deal on the trip of a lifetime. If you are thinking about taking a cruise, like warm weather, blue water, and white sandy beaches, then maybe the Caribbean is worth your consideration before booking that next trip. I’d still rather go on a Canadian fishing trip, but my wife is worth the reconsideration of the Caribbean or the Bahamas too!

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Target practice on live deer?

It’s not what you think. It’s been a very slow season so this year with nary a chance to get a shot at anything with antlers so far. Here in the area of Michigan where I live, we have had unseasonably wet weather for the first 15 days of the season. We even had snow (about 4”) on the 13th of this month. The season also began with a full moon right at twilight and a couple of those nights it actually seemed to get lighter as it got darker, if you know what I mean. Unfortunately, the deer have been rather “nocturnal” these first couple of weeks where we are hunting right now.

I have been “practicing on does that have come into the apple pile to eat though to get ready for the big shot when it does come. What do I mean by “practicing”? Well what I am doing is drawing up and placing a sight pin on the “boiler room” of the deer. I don’t release an arrow when I’m “practicing”, although I could legally take a doe should I choose to do so. By doing this, I can accomplish a couple of things. One is just getting used to drawing up on a live target because no matter how much I practice on a 3D target, it’s never quite the same. Two, it gets you used to the feeling of even the small amounts of adrenaline flowing through your body that happens to most of us when deer are close in. It gives you a chance to mentally “rehearse” your shot when it’s not a “do or die” situation rather than trying to do it only when the big chance comes and making the mistakes it’s easy for anyone to make under pressure. You can prepare mentally by reminding yourself to bend at the waist if your hunting from a tree stand when aiming, and to breath through your nose and exhale before triggering the release, and most anything else you might want to prepare yourself for. I’ve believe I could have taken 3 deer this year while practicing, although I haven’t actually added anything to the freezer. Try it next time you are in the woods. It’s just another way to be ready for the “real thing”!

One word of caution…I’ve never had it happen but make sure you can legally take any animal your practicing on just in case something went wrong and you accidentally released an arrow. I’ve never had it happen, but the chance is always there so you must be prepared for that if you decide to practice on the real thing.

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Saturday, October 14, 2006

Playing Poker and on-line Gambling

I have never been a gambler that goes to casinos or promotes them online. I do how ever like to play card games that vary from the simplest such as hearts, and some of the more intense games such as poker. I hadn't played for some time and I kept hearing everyone talking about Texas Hold'em and I didn't have a clue about the poker rules for this game.

I watched on TV now and then with shows like the "Super Stars of Poker", but I still didn't get a good grasp on the
poker rules for this particular game. So the only thing to do was to go online and search for rules and hopefully a description of the strategies to play it.

What I found out is that Texas Hold'em Poker is currently the most popular form of poker to be played currently and is the type of poker played in the World Series of Poker. The game of poker has a long history. Card games are believed by some to have initially developed in China over 1000 years ago, and spread throughout the world.

Numerous variations of poker began to appear during the early twentieth-century, and Texas Hold'em poker developed out of the original “community card” poker games that are first recorded around 1919. In Texas Hold'em Poker, each player is initially dealt two cards face down, and the dealer then deals five “community cards”, which can be used by all players to form their hands.

Now, I'll play poker or other card games for M&M's and tooth picks, but I don't play for money because I believe that gambling in general is wrong. Not for the reasons you might think though. I don't think there is anything wrong with the games themselves, but I have an issue with a culture that promopeopleeope to risk money on things they can't afford to. Gambling has ruined countless lives because they can't stop once they started. It's just a form of entertainment, but not everyone is capable of stopping with the entertainment value of the game. Enjoy playing poker, but don't play with fire if can't afford to be burnt.

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Chrysler 300C and 300M luxury automobiles

If you have never owned a luxury car, then it's time you did. I always wanted to own one, but could never seem to afford it when the kids were growing up because there was always something else that needed to be attended to and quite frankly, there is nothing more important than taking care of your children and family first. Between the cost of the vehicles, and the cost of the automobile insurance premiums on a luxury car, I could never justify spending the money. I dreamt of owning a Mercedes, Audi, BMW, Cadillac or you name it?

Know what I drove for years? A Dodge Omni. Fantastic car, but not exactly something you looked forward to when it comes to creature comforts. Enter my "children are grown" years. As the kids moved on, I decided that I wanted to treat myself to a luxury car. Two reasons I wanted to do that. Car insurance premiums aren't an issue and the payment doesn't seem so bad when you don't have to feed four kids anymore.

I decided to go with A Chrysler 300M. Why? Two reasons. I wanted to buy American at the time and I have a brother-in-law that works at a dealer that can give me some great discounts! I have had my 300M for a coupe of years now and I love it. It has been primarily trouble free and is a great ride. Someday, when I decide to trade this in, I"m thinking about going with the newer 300C. I love the look of the car and and it's a fantastic ride. Treat yourself to a nice car someday, you'll love it.

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Like to Drive Luxury Cars?

Living here in the United States, we have opportunities that many other other nations don't and that is the reason this country is so great. We like our large homes, and big SUV's or luxury automobiles. When you think of luxury automobiles here in the states, typically brands such as Cadillac, Lincoln, & Mecedes come to mind. But there is another car maker that has continued to grow in market share and is producing some top of the line new luxury cars, and that is "Audi"

They provide a full line of automobiles and the aim of the specialist sales is to supply vehicles into specific market sectors. Some of those market sectors are: Police/Emergency, Chauffeur, VIP, Tax Free/Diplomatic & Security CarsBecause the majority of our sales are direct to the customer, we are able to target exactly where we aim to sell the vehicles covered under our programs.

As you enter the market of luxury vehicles, the Audi A6 and A8 are two top of the line luxury sedans that they provide such as the Saloon and the Avant. The A8 series gives the ride and comfort you would expect from the top luxury car makers of the world but it also provides a sports car feel that is unique in it's class. So if you are in the market for
new luxury cars, give Audi a look, you'll be pleasantly surprised.

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Website Article Wizard

I have purchased a new system to help me with my adsense website building and it is called Website Article Wizard. It is a really cool tool for developing unique content sites for the ever changing world of Google. Duplicate content can be a killer and David Watson has come up with a tool that helps solve that problem. You can literally create adsense websites within minutes using the provided large data base of PLR content or import some of your own.

The templates provided with the program are ok, but nothing to write home about and that's why I then also purchased these
Website Article Wizard Templates from Colin Fu. He has created these templates specifically for use with the Website Article Wizard. Put both together and you have a killer combination for creating your next adsesne project. Oh by the way, Adsense is Alive! and you can get your free report to read all about it.

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Friday, October 13, 2006

Site Construction Management Software

When we built our home about 12 years ago, we decided to go with a contractor that was a bit newer in his business than we were lead to believe at the time. As we had 3 months to get our home built, we felt the risk was fairly small to go with him. Boy did we learn a lesson on that one. Project management was definitely not his strong suit. He did things on paper, and even made a lot of verbal arrangements, which were often forgotten. By the end of the project, we were over two weeks behind and literally lived in our "unfinished basement" for those two weeks for lack of any where else to go. As a project manager myself at the time, I was not at all happy with the way our project was managed.

If you are involved in management and more specifically in the construction industry, then you know how important it is to be able to manage your projects in real time, keep track of your deadlines and subcontractors, in general keep your customers project on time and them happy. The right way to do that in this day in age is software. For this opportunity,
Procore Technologies has a unique solution to help you manage you projects.

Procore Technologies has developed an "online version" of construction project management software that you can access anywhere you can access the internet. There is no software to keep on your computer and no risk of losing vital customer information if your computer or hard drive crashes because it's all kept safe, secure, and backed up daily at Procore Technologies. All you need is a user name and password and your in. Update your project online and know that it's all going to be there available for you when you need it.

It's a fully functional professional grade project management software program that will serve your every need for your construction project, be it the addition to the home down the street or the
newest skyscraper in your local city. Procore Technologies has a solution for you.

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DIY - Do you like to build things "yourself"

I have been building things all of my life. I like to build things with metal or wood. When I was just a youngster, I started building things with "lincoln logs" when I was just 5 or so with a set that I received from my grandmother for a birthday present. I couldn't build enough different styles of homes and buildings with my lincoln logs. This was my first foray with building things with wood.

Later when I was around the age of 9 or 10, I received the neatest thing since sliced bread and that was my erector set. Now this was cool! I could build giant buildings (well acouple of feet tall anyways) or cars, trucks, cranes, you name from "steel". I was now a construction worker! I was only stopped by my imagination. As I entered Jr. High and High School, I took every shop class I could get my hands on and got to play with real power tools!

As I grew older, got married, and had children, I still had a love for building things and playing with power tools. But i found myself short of funds to buy certain things we wanted or needed. This is where the DIY came in. Becasue of all of the things I learned growing up, I could now put them to use to build some of the things we wanted but couldn't afford to buy.

Now that I am older, I can typically buy most of the things we might need if we chose to do so, but it was much more fun to build it and save some money along the way. Don't be afraid of DIY. It's worth the time and effort and can save you a lot of money while doing it. I even put many of my projects on my website now to share with others and earn cash for doing that too. Gotta love it!

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Fantasy Football League

A working acquaintance of mine who is the superintendent of the plant where I work, has a secret that I recently found out. He manages a Fantasy Football League in his spare time. I always knew he was a bit a of a sport nut, because he could spout baseball, basketball, and especially football stats like no one I know.

Well now I know why. Not only does he love the sport but he has a serious love for
Fantasy Football and looks forward to late summer as he fires up his league for the fall season. I got wise to his after work extra curricular activity when I heard him talking about trades that involved players from different teams. No the cats out of the bag but he loves doing it and last year he won his own league. No you can't fix it so that you can win just because you are the person running it (I asked!) as you might think. It looks like a great way to spend a little time and even make a little money while you are doing it.

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Joint venture learning project

I recently joined a group of people in a joint venture learning project. I have never before been part of a JV project and this so far has been a fun learning experience. We as a team have now gone through the development project for three project websites which vary in topic but so far have all been in the area of the health fields albeit alternative health.

This has also forced me to learn about some new subjects while doing the article research for the project so it is something I can also use for my own website as we go along. We basically are researching a niche area to do the project on, which we do by finding ten niche areas of interest. Then everyone submits their ten niches to the group and we vote on all of the choices, and the highest rating wins the project subject choice.

Then we all write articles for the chosen group niche for an ezine that we provide with the project site. The site is developed and put online for the live production. We work with affiliate programs in our niche area and hopefully as we get launched, we will start to earn so money with is then split amongst the group. What a great learning opportunity.

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Epson Printers - Love them or hate them?

Inkjet printers have come a very long way in the previous 10 years. I still have an Epson FX80 ribbon printer downstairs that I used for a long time in my radio shack as my main label printer. I finally retired it when one of the 6 or so printers I have owned since then were retired to the radio shack.

We have 3 PC's in our home online at any given time. The main connection to the outside world which is my computer, my wife's laptop for her embroidery business, and my radio shack (no not Radio Shack the store, but my ham radio shack) downstairs. Seems like everytime we bought a new computer they wanted to give us a "free inkjet printer" with the package because they have become so inexpensive now, that they are literally a throw away item.

My first
Epson inkjet printers were a marvel of modern science to me. Having first owned and Epson ribbon printer and having a number of them where I worked at the time, it seemed only natural that we bought Epson inkjet printers to replace them. I was extremely happy with my Epson printers and until about 5 years ago, they were the only printers that I owned. The only issue I had with them at the time was how fast the cartridges ran out of ink because they were very small. I even tried as I'm sure many have done, to go the route of refilling my own cartridges to save on expense but quickly became dis-enchanted with that process.

Then about 6 years ago, HP started coming out with a series of photo quality printers that used a very "large cartridge" in comparison to the Epson cartridges. At last, as viable option! Well guess what, all good things really do usually come to an end and HP started changing to the smaller cartridges like everyone else as the higher quality printers were introduced.

Currently I have 4 working printers in my home, an Epson, two HP's, and a Canon. I think they are all great printers but they all have the same problem. They all print wonderful quality photos but they all run out of ink way too fast. Ever wonder why printers became so inexpensive? Because they don't make their money off the printers anymore, they all sell "ink"!

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Instant Adsense Templates - Volume II

If you read my original posts about the Instant Adsense Templates, then you know that I was very disappointed with the results and ended up requesting a refund. I also wrote a series of complaints and exchanged emails with Joel on why I felt a refund was in order for the package which he did honor.

Well yesterday, he released the latest edition of the Instant Adsense Templates package. This group was not down loadable via the internet so I will have to wait for the DVD's to arrive to make my judgments about this set of templates and other items Joel was offering with his package. The bonus that came with the package looks pretty good this time around also.

Why was I willing to risk my hard earned dollars a second time? Because Joel showed me that he had integrity enough to deal with my dissatisfaction as a customer the last time. He appears to have addressed the issues that many of us complained about with the original set and though I will have to wait for a final judgment when they arrive via mail, I like what I see initially. Stay tuned for round two and my post on what the templates really end up being with regard to quality this time around.

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PayPerPost on TechCrunch

Recently there has been a ton of controversy surrounding PayPerPost and it's created a lot of buzz around the "professional blogger" circuit? What is the professional blogger circuit. Well it's the people who think blogging should be reserved for the purists and that nothing should be written that isn't a free will choice of the blog and God forbid that they get paid for it.

PayPerPost is the latest to hit the
blog advertising circuit and they have been doing some pretty crazy things to promote their program. I have been a part of PayPerPost for about 3 months now and I have my own opinions about blog advertising and paid blogging in general.

I blog for two reasons. The first is because I like to write about anything that interests me and that can be a diverse variety of things. If I wanted a blog that specialized in SEO, I would have created one, or maybe even something like TechCrunch. But to be honest, my first blog which is not this one, was simply in the vein of what blogging started out as and that was weblog or online journal.

Well it has evolved much since then. Many people use their blogs as their main website. Me, I use my blog for all kinds of things, I use it for talking about things that interest me, I use to talk about things I think about, and if someone is willing to pay me to review their product and then write a review on it, I'll do that too. If that makes me a non blog purist like some of the people knocking
blog advertising, then I say to heck with them. My blog is for what I want it to be and not what the "true bloggers" as they like to call themselves say I should do or write about. Sell my soul for a buck, nope. Sell my thoughts for advertising, yup!

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Go Detroit Tigers!

I have lived in Michigan all my life. If you live in Michigan, there are 3 things you know. One is that the Lions will have "bad" season because the same person that owns that football team runs a car company that is doing about as well at the moment. Number two is that the University of Michigan will likely produce at least a top 5 team to watch on college football days which is by far my favorite spectator sport for the fall season.

The third is that "occasionally" the Detroit Tigers will produce a winning team and they won't be that way by the conventional means that most teams win by. The will be the under dog that comes from now where and beats a team like the New York Yankees in 4 games as the wildcard team. The were 10 games in the lead going into September and then they can't even win their division pennant but off they go to play the Yankees and beat the pants of of them! Last year you would have said the "Tigers who"? Last night they beat the A's who basically didn't show up to play. Speaking of which, it's almost game time for game two.


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ACC- do you have a favorite college?

It's football season once again. I'm a die hard Michigan fan but there are some great schools worth watching in the ACC as well. What is the ACC? It's Atlantic Coast Conference. Do you have another favorite sport? You can watch it "on ACCSelect.com". It's all your sports and your schools on your schedule. Full screen games delivered right to your PC.

Are you fan of Duke University or Boston College and a football fan? You can see the game you want "on ACCSelect.com".
ACC Sports has it all for you so just stop by, pick your school and your sport and watch the game you've been waiting for. Or maybe your into volleyball or swimming, or maybe even wrestling. Its all on ACC Sports

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Vacation in December - where to go?

I have vacation in December for two weeks and beside the usual family obligations we are thinking about taking a short vacation to some place warm. It would be a nice change to be able to go to Hawaii or the Caribbean but I doubt we will have the time or money needed to make such a trip this year.

So where do we go? Luckily, living in Michigan, we are within driving distance to many warm and fun places to visit in the month of December. Places such as Florida (maybe a return trip to Disney is in order), or Texas (hmmm...Whitetail deer hunting, nope the wife wouldn't enjoy that) or even Arizona where my wife has some family we could visit.

At any rate, it's time to spend some time on the web looking for options for a trip during my winter vacation. See you in the sun in Florida! Check out my main site for your favorite hobbies, or maybe a custom embroidery item for Christmas? http://www.wm8c.com

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Looking for real change of scenery at work?

Have you ever considered working in Europe or working in the UK? It's definitely not a choice that crosses every ones mind on a regular basis. I think most of us that work, have considered changing jobs at least once and I think that most of us consider it more often than we even like to admit. After many years, I have finally reached a point that I am very happy with the company I currently work for, and have now for a number of years running. But I will be the first to admit that it wasn't always so.

I have been working as a Process and Project Engineer for about the last 21 years now but there was a time in my career where the adventurous side of me got the best of me and I actually moved and worked in Europe for 3 years. I worked for a company called AMP which is based in Pennsylvania, and I was working in their Dutch operation in the metal stamping division. Now this came partially about because my wife is Dutch born and had family there, so that country was a natural choice for us. The culture shock was great but the learning experience was something I have never regretted or would trade even to this day.

For many of the English speaking world, that be a bit drastic so you might prefer
working in the UK which would allow you to keep your main language, although I must warn you that the true English language is it's own learning experience. Michael Page is an international recruitment agency that has offices all around the world. They have all sorts of info on salary surveys, CV (resumé) writing, interview techniques and more. You can learn about requirements to owrk in the UK such as how the get a bank account, visa, and the cost-of-living for the UK. Check it out...

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Europe/US Working Capital Survey

2005 European Working Capital Survey
The latest survey on the working capital situation of the largest 1,000 European companies by sales reveals for the year 2004 a further improved performance, with a year on year drop of 3.3%. European corporations still continue to pay attention to working capital management as a way to drive liquidity and returns. Each working capital component contributed last year to the overall improvement.

A more refined working capital analysis shows a higher proportion of sectors reporting improved year on year performance, suggesting a lower magnitude in weighted reduction changes. Among those that have shown the biggest meaningful working capital improvements last year were Aerospace & Defense, Distillers & Brewers, Food Retailers and Telecoms, while Auto Manufacturers, Commodity Chemicals, Electrical Components and Industrial Diversified were flat or deteriorated.

A detailed country analysis reveals improved DWC performance across nearly every European country. Among the major economies, Italy and the UK saw the biggest working capital improvements last year, but their performance was more mixed when compared with 2002. France and Germany registered further DWC reduction, but at a substantially lower rate than in 2003.

While progress has been achieved, an initial benchmark and comparative information analysis reveals that the largest European companies still have in total close to €480bn of cash unnecessarily tied up in working capital. In addition, implementing best practice working capital strategy and processes would also result in annual cost reductions of up to €16bn, translating into an improvement of 3.2% in the total reported EBIT. The value of this cost potential would add an extra 27% to the working capital cash potential.

The introduction of Collaborative Working Capital Management would translate into further cash and operating cost opportunities that have not been factored in our above estimates. Going forward, the working capital picture is likely to be more discriminating across companies and sectors. A cause for concern is a possible management attention shift out working capital towards growing the business, the investment, and the bottom line at a time when corporate liquidity is much improved and the rate of working capital improvement reaches a point of diminishing returns.

2005 US Working Capital Survey
The latest survey on the working capital situation of the largest 1,000 US companies by sales reveals for the year 2004 a further improved performance, with a year on year drop of 2.5%. While showing a lower rate than in 2003, this means that US corporations still continue to pay attention to working capital management as a way to drive liquidity and returns. Each working capital component contributed last year to the overall improvement.

A more refined working capital analysis shows a higher proportion of sectors reporting improved year on year performance, suggesting a lower magnitude in weighted reduction changes. Among those who have shown the biggest meaningful working capital improvements last year were Aerospace & Defense, Computers, Containers & Packaging, Cosmetics/Personal Care and Food, and Broadline Retailers, while Air Freight, Pharmaceuticals and Telecoms deteriorated.

While progress has been achieved, an initial benchmark and comparative information analysis reveals that the largest US companies still have in total up to $460bn of cash unnecessarily tied up in working capital. In addition, implementing best practice working capital strategy and processes would also result in annual cost reductions of up to $23bn, translating into an improvement of 2.9% in the total reported EBIT. The value of this cost potential would add an extra 40% to the working capital cash potential.
The introduction of Collaborative Working Capital Management would translate into further cash and operating cost opportunities that have not been factored in our above estimates.

Going forward, the working capital picture is likely to be more discriminating across companies and sectors against a background of strong business activity. A cause for concern is also a possible management attention shift out working capital towards growing the business, the investment and the bottom line at a time when corporate liquidity is much improved and the rate of working capital improvement reaches a point of diminishing returns

Author: Marc Loneux
Marc Loneux is a Chief Financial Analyst at the
REL Consultancy Group RELs methodology is about generating cash improvement from working capital and operations to deliver strategic flexibility and competitive advantage. Every program is customized to the needs and goals of the individual client based on an in-depth understanding of your particular industry, corporate structure and business environment.

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Latest PayPerPost controversy...

To blog or not to blog, to be paid to blog or not to be paid, that is the question. There is a new controversy about blog advertising and whether or not it should be allowed. My thoughts are this. I have been blogging for a couple of years and have had my own website for about 4, and been around the internet for 8 years. During this time, I have seen many different things come and go for linking generation and advertisement, but all them prior to this has been free from me. If I was asked to exchange links, or provide space for a link, and it also benefited me, most of the time I did it, for free.

Now along comes PayPerPost. They ask me to review advertisers, advertiser products, and the advertisers pay me for doing that. I can choose what to review and what not to. This is just another way for advertisers to generate linking and advertisement for their sites and the value of those links to them can be great. So if I was willing to do this for free in the past, why would it be an issue now that I'm getting paid to do what I do anyway, and that is write about things that interest me including online opportunities, and if
blog advertising is a way for me to generate some disposable income along the way, so be it.

Doesn't seem like spam to me, but just some good free enterprise. I have a metal detector that I received from an advertiser for reviewing their product and it's cool. I'll write about it any day.

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DIY - Build Your Own Enclosed Trailer

Recently we started traveling to local swaps and shows to do on-site embroidery for hats and T-Shirts. The first show we attended, we found that we needed to take both of our cars because we couldn't fit everything into one. Not only was this not practical but it was expensive with gas for two cars and often having to make two trips to set up for the show the night before.

So what was the answer? A small covered or enclosed trailer to haul our gear and supplies around. We were looking for a fairly small enclosed trailer as we planned to pull it with my wife's Dodge Stratus and it couldn't have a lot of tongue weight and needed to be very light. We were looking for a trailer between 4 x 4 & 4 x 6. I started pricing other enclosed trailers and the smallest one we could find was 4 x 5 and sold for $1500. Not bad as covered trailers go but more than I wanted to pay.

That's when I decided to try and build one. I have a bad habit of being cheap and figured I could build something for much less. The search was on for a small trailer that we could enclose ourselves. We finally found what we were looking for at Harbor Freight and it was a 4 x 4 utility trailer that weighed in at less than 100 lbs. Perfect. Now all we had to do was find a way to enclose it to protect our gear as we traveled to different shows around the area. Read the rest of this how-to article here at http://www.wm8c.com/diy_enclosed_trailer.htm

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Thursday, October 05, 2006

VoIP Demystified

Are you a VOIP user or do you want to be? Are you concerned over all the things you might be hearing from other people about VOIP? Cisco Systems has some great information for you on the VoIP which can be used to answer most of the common questions that people have about VoIP and the related myths that abound about it.

These day, most businesses today must contend with complex communications environments that feature a wide variety of communications methods. People communicate with each other through many different combinations of phones, voice messaging, e-mail, fax, mobile clients, and rich-media conferencing.

Many times these tools are not used very effectively as they should be. The resulting problem is that people end up on information overload and ineffective communication that can delay or slow decisions and reduce productivity.

By following the various links about
VOIP on the site, you will quickly find that almost any question you might have will likely be found there. There are numerous topic choices and multiple pages listed with information so you are sure to find what you are looking for.

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Michael Cheney's Newest Project

Have you ever wondered how to start a list but never knew where to start? That's been a question I've had in the past and I joined a new project by Michael Cheney called 11daystolistprofits. He was going to start a memebership site but after a number of us told him that's not what we were looking for. We wanted to know how to start a project from scratch and make it successful!

So that's what he did. He accepted our challenge and has begun working on this new project as the answer to what we requested. If you are interested, you can go here for more infomration http://www.11daystolistprofits.com . If you are just starting out, this is the place to get some great information from one of the best known internet marketers out there today.

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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Gas turbine engines...how do they work?

I have a small fascination about things that I don't understand. That's one of the reasons I originally got into ham radio. I wanted to understand how you could talk to people around the world with radio waves so I became an amateur radio operator. I also got into metal detecting because I wanted to learn how electronics were used to "detect" metal underground. I have even used my detector to find an old electric line I buried years ago and wasn't sure what path I had taken.

Have you ever wondered how a
gas turbine engine works? I have never honestly given it much thought until I came across a site that just happened to have a page explaining the principles behind how a gas turbine engine works, and the site belongs to Rolls-Royce. Guess what? They build more than "cars for royalty" and I never knew that either.

They have an interactive quick guide that explains the process of a gas turbine engine works and I even got to fly through one! Well not exactly, but I did get to watch a video that took me on a "tour" through the engine and how it works. It starts out from the front of the turbine and goes through the entire engine and I promise the fans won't chop you up either. Check it out and you might even learn something new like I just did!

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Adsense update for October...

For anyone following my little adventure through the world of Adsense over the last many months since March, it has been a real learning experience for me. It's my first real step into the workd of internet marketing, although I must admit, most of the marketing has been done for you, but none the less we all have to start somewhere.

I had set some monetarty goals back in March and I have since tripled my orginal goal. Added together with some affiliate income that I've managed to scrape up I had a pretty good month and in total, exceeded my earnings goal in September by 5 times.

I also found a great piece of software to help improve your Adsense earnings. You can check it out here and it's called
HyperVRE . It has help me on my quest into the world of Adsense. Oh in case you are wondering, Adsense is not dead and in fact Adsense is Alive!

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